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shane21022 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by shane21022 (DayZ)

  1. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Is it time to come back?

    When standalone came out I bought it immediately and I regret nothing. But I stopped playing for a while and waited for them to release updates so it would be more fun. I was wondering what everyone's opinion of DayZ SA is at the moment. Is it worth replaying with friends or should I wait another 3-4 months?
  2. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Is it time to come back?

    Thanks for the help!
  3. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Is it time to come back?

    I feel dumb but what is 0.50? and why should mods delete this post?
  4. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Is it time to come back?

    I'm just used to DayZ the mod and the OverPoch mod aswell and I want DayZ SA to be less "Walking Sim" and more player interaction.
  5. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Worth coming back

    Sounds a lot like the DayZ Devs to me.
  6. shane21022 (DayZ)

    The Campaign for Iron Sight Zoom

    I agree fix this, we need the zoom
  7. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Why do you "have" to feel bad for being a bandit/kos?

    Some people dont understand that those pixels on a screen can take up to 4 hours to find depending on what it is.
  8. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Lack of loot

    The reason for this is that loot spawns on server restart. so the coastal cities will be empty. I recommend getting basics like food and water then going directly north as most players dont go north so loot will be more abundant.
  9. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Rule #2 Double Tap

    Yea you can but i think it takes a while to do so.
  10. shane21022 (DayZ)

    Rule #2 Double Tap

    Ya I know what you mean.
  11. shane21022 (DayZ)


    I have and usually it only lasts a few minutes. Not to be rude but I dont think people usually pass out due to eating a rotten kiwi :) lol. Great game so far though nice job.
  12. Is there a fix to this bug currently? I spent 3 hours looting and playing just to leave and come back with nothing. Any help would be great as I understand this is a early access and bugs are to be expected.