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Everything posted by BratExecutioner

  1. I was roaming that area for quite a bit,found only some fucking bottles,food.Gorka E helmets,visors. That's it. They didn't set some military loot up there?
  2. BratExecutioner

    Why the Myshkino military tent camp is full of garbage?

    I couldn't find anything at all. So therefor it has to be a bug.
  3. BratExecutioner


    lol,gonna report a server then. For days already some kids are kicking everyone,but not their clan.
  4. BratExecutioner

    This made me laugh.

    Great stuff!
  5. BratExecutioner

    0.49 No Servers

    There're some servers online,although no update still.
  6. BratExecutioner

    Can we talk about gambling?

    Poker Texas Hold'em.
  7. BratExecutioner

    Dayz standalone - My friend is....(emotional)

    Your friend is....gay?
  8. BratExecutioner

    Rolling in mud for camouflage.

    Or get sick and die.
  9. BratExecutioner

    Upcoming Items/Weapons?

    Damn,nice find. Gotta love the Watch. When there'll be servers with 1h daytime and 30min night time (or something like that) , playing the game and having a Watch(!) Will be awesome :) Piss'n shit? Would be good to have a feature pissing/shitting on corpses or on handcuffed people. PLEASE.
  10. BratExecutioner

    The Hero

    How you can view your status as 'Healthy' ? I can't see the Healthy or Sick status, even if sometimes I'm coughing or I'm fully fine.
  11. BratExecutioner

    Epic Flank of Doom

    Nice one! If you would of just looted the guy faster(instead,you were anal raping him -_- ) you could of survived :P
  12. BratExecutioner

    Add the Blood/Food/Thirst/Temp GUI back?

    They should make GUI that can be enabled/disabled on the screen via hotkey. There for there'll be nothin to block ur screen.
  13. BratExecutioner

    Quicker Standing to Prone and vice versa

    Ye. Retarded how going prone or standing up takes too much time.
  14. BratExecutioner

    More zombies please

    No more 'Please i want this and that' topics. They know what the game needs. Patience ,my child.
  15. Sprint till you're dead. Enabling 'Respawn' button will cause kids to respawn till they're at the right place.Although I'm not sure if it's still possible,but still.
  16. Pls stop making these kind of suggestions. Loot needs to get respawned by now and then. Devs will think about the solution of doing a penalty vs campers. Still,if a house/area is getting camped,that doesn't mean you can't kill them.
  17. BratExecutioner

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    I actually Lol'd on this one. It is their job to do fixes/patches/updates and so on. Even if the community will go ape-shit , they'll still continue fix/update/patch up things. Overall they're doing quite good.One thing that pisses many,and by many i mean Many , people off when there's no communication from the devs side. Keep up the good work,Mr.Dean.
  18. BratExecutioner

    Why i love DayZ !

  19. BratExecutioner

    dat moment...

    A clown that failed.
  20. BratExecutioner

    Puff Jacket

    lol nice! Are these new? Didn't see any from the start of SA. I've found some...anti-stab vest ,but didn't take it cuz thought Tactical Vest gives more protection.
  21. BratExecutioner

    The Worst Combat Logger

    3.38 - Laughed my ass off!
  22. BratExecutioner

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

  23. BratExecutioner

    5 Magnums

    Lol server hopper. Although it's easy to find a magnum.
  24. BratExecutioner

    Feeling cheated out of money.

    People these days...