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Everything posted by BratExecutioner

  1. BratExecutioner

    1 guy, 5 cowards

    Maybe in the latest build,that wasn't released yet. But not in the build we have now.
  2. BratExecutioner

    Dark Magic: The Wiggles

    Good stuff.
  3. BratExecutioner

    Hold Breath option.

    Hello there. Recently i've found Hold Breath in options. I can't really tell if it's working or not,there's no Breath stop sounds nor anything that can approve that it's working. Anyone could clarify if it works or not? Thank you.
  4. BratExecutioner

    Bug or no bug?

    There's tons of posts regarding that issue. When people are killed,they're logging off and therefor their bodies dissapear. It'll get fixed once we'll have the new build.
  5. BratExecutioner

    Hold Breath option.

    By how you mean where I've found it in the options...? GO to your Options -> Key Assigments ( or how it's called) and you should find it there.
  6. BratExecutioner

    Experimental Branch Changelog?

    I'll translate those. Револьвер "Магнум" теперь в лутеФикс амуниции к "Магнуму"Изменено переключение вида от первого и третьего лицаИзменения серверной частиИзменения интерфейса браузера серверовПонижен шанс спавна оружейных модулейСпавн военных винтовок снижен вполовинуРаньше после смерти тело игрока удалялось после дисконнекта, а сейчас должно оставаться (проверить).- Revolver added to the loot tables. - A revolver ammo fix. - Changed the switching between 1st and 3rd person.( My thoughts are it looks different,how you switch from 1st to 3rd person(?). - Changed some server side things. - Changed the interface of the server browser. - Weapon attachments spawns decreased. - Weapon spawns decreased by 50%. - After death your corpse will no longer dissapear(Still in check).
  7. BratExecutioner

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I saw a new build on the server list, so...might be. A confirmation would be good.
  8. BratExecutioner

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    About what change log you can ask if there were no patches in the last days?
  9. BratExecutioner

    When being friendly goes wrong

    the scream was hillarious,hahaha
  10. BratExecutioner

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Great job! Tweaking/fixing loot spawns / Zombies and adding CAMPS(aKa you can store the items in the tents,build fences or barricades etc) = The game will be more playable/enjoyable and will be a blast.
  11. BratExecutioner


    People telling to get off the coast are funny. I've been "Scavenging" for 2 hours at the NORTH. I died cuz of starvation.TONS of houses are empty. The only thing i looted was a screwdriver and a fucking paper.
  12. BratExecutioner

    Best item I've found in the SA!

    Found an M4 in the military areas...but besides that,i've found NO weapons at all.
  13. BratExecutioner

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    ...Search forums. Bug. Getting fixed. Soon.
  14. BratExecutioner

    Fast Play Button

    A best server for you... Example : I purchased the game. I installed it and I'm pushing the Play button. How on earth the game can find the best server for me? If you mean to find a server that serves your interests aKa no pvp one, a new player = a friendly server or something...then...not going to happen.
  15. BratExecutioner

    DayZ Server List (WOW!)

    Server's are fully full...but.....walking around for HOURS and HOURS and i've found only..1 guy?
  16. BratExecutioner

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    There's a topic regarding the issue... They're solving the problem now. Patience is the key.
  17. BratExecutioner

    Thank you

    'I'll rest once I'm in the grave' . Sleep is for the weak. Don't stop!
  18. BratExecutioner

    Are there cars anywhere already ?

    What do you mean 'there're no cars yet ' ? There's PLENTY of cars,which are not working.
  19. BratExecutioner

    Patch #2 Incomming - What do you want to see?

    Fixed loot spawn + Day/night scheduel + added camps = everything that we need right now(Ok, minor bug fixes/glitch fixes aswell).
  20. I'd say fix day/night time scheduel and the loot respawns first.
  21. BratExecutioner

    Musty Gaming Standalone (Actual Private Hive) US/EU(Hardcore)/AU

    Does the server restarts every 2,3,4h ?
  22. BratExecutioner

    if i buy the alpha version....

    I do belive it'll be updated as time goes on.
  23. BratExecutioner

    Question about DayZ SA

    No. Yes.
  24. BratExecutioner

    Random unconscious question

    For hours of running I've been quite fine,without any unconscious drops. After, i've been dropping unc. randomly. Every 3-5-10minutes and I COULD stand up in 10-30secs.. And now, i'm waiting for about 5min and can't get up. I was eating,drinking. Any thoughts?