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Everything posted by bagmanpt

  1. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    most of the time i can just press left shift + numpad- and write flush, most of the time, the artifacts are gone. but it works for me, don't know for everyone else... so just try it. and you can also see this on this video:
  2. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    most of the time i can just press left shift + numpad- and write flush, most of the time, the artifacts are gone. but it works for me, don't know for everyone else... so just try it. and you can also see this on this video:
  3. Biggest troll in DayZ?
  4. bagmanpt

    DayZ Trolling? :)

    yeah, ppl nowadays shoot first then ask or talk after that
  5. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    ok, there is a crash of "out of memory" with this patch, not happening only to me, 4 of my friends also have this problem... here is the Error: [attachment=1241]
  6. bagmanpt


    i wanna see where this is going. i support this, since when u have all the good stuff u just want to shoot other ppl down. this would give things to do. +1
  7. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yes, Teamwork is a big part of this mod. But forcing lone players out of the game doesn't make the game better. its not forcing them out of the game, lone survivors just need to be more careful, and choose wisely what will they bring with them, more cure/heal items and less ammo :) balance is everything
  8. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    well, a bandage is ok to start with... it would be rather annoying for some new users if there was none... zombies can make you bleed very easily so its very hard for beginners. one bandage, one box of painkillers and a flashlight... its a really good and balanced starting gear most of beginners just would quit and not pick up the game anymore if its too hard.
  9. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    did u installed beta patch? not from swim. i was at rain only
  10. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    not sure what u are saying here... can u explain it more? thats from the BETA patch, not from DayZ.
  11. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    seems fine by me, no bug found at the moment, tried a swim, didnt lost any gear, zombies seem good now, not extra super inhuman, everything works good so far another thing, my temperature dropped to 34, did u updated something regarding temperature? awesome work then, :)
  12. bagmanpt

    Please read rocket, food and water

    I really support this idea!
  13. bagmanpt

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    bug report: *hatchet spawned ammo when dropping weapon. (previously stated) *hatchet kills animal/zombie and it flies away. (previously stated) *swinging hatchet at wall, destroys some buildings/fences. (not all servers) same with some smoke grenades. *GPS, range finders, ghillie spawns very very easily? (dnt know if stated.) ideas: gameplay & remove bugs? *make melee weapons as secondary weapons, so we can have rifle AND melee. (otherwise melee will soon become unused, i would not like to program something just so its going to be unusable in near future) *melee ammo(?) with 0% probability to spawn? other than that, keep up the VERY good work you're doing. *rare loot make it rare again, food and drinks, decrease spawn rate, makes it a better game, when u have good weapons u will not look for anything in supermarkets/safe houses, decreasing food and drink spawn chances makes ppl search for more loot. (hunting and lakes will be needed much more) and keep up the VERY good work you're doing
  14. bagmanpt

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    i was SW of Berezino and needed to log out because of server restart (atlanta 42), entered in FR 3 and i spawned in the debug hill, there was 1 other player there and he killed me!!!!! after that spawned in Komarovo starting from scratch!!!! WHAT THE HELL????.... logout time: ~2:30 AM 17-Jun login time: ~4:20 am 17-jun IGN: [ACE] Bagman ID: 15832966