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Really Old Man

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Everything posted by Really Old Man

  1. Really Old Man

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I didn't even notice this. Thank god!
  2. Really Old Man

    Ultimate Mosin Hunting Guide

    I've also found ammo in many of those spots. One time I came out of a city with at least five boxes of 20 round 7.62mm
  3. Really Old Man

    Worst Mistake I've made...

    Next time give him a crowbar or some weak melee weapon. I never give random people guns.
  4. Really Old Man


    Honestly, I don't want private servers like they have in the mod. Those ruined the mod. 1000 vehicles, military grade loot, perks for donating money, etc etc are just horrible. I'm quite content with the way servers are atm. I'd be fine with a little more server owner control, but nothing like the mod. The server hopping and combat logging need to become really hard to do though.
  5. Really Old Man

    OrLoK's Random Thread -

    One thread to bring them all...
  6. Really Old Man

    Cherno has been quiet the past couple days.

    You darned kids better stay away from my berries!!!!!!
  7. Really Old Man

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    Since berries are being added in Dayz, that means there will be multiple types. With multiple types of berries, that means there will be good and bad ones. And with the good and bad ones, the possibility of user crafted medicines and poisons might be a possibilities. Seriously, being able to craft medicines and poisons from berries would be awesome. People can now become the crazy hermit who lives out in the woods creating strange medicines from berries. And with poisons, one could create poison arrows and use them with bows. Man I hope they implement this stuff, because I want to become a professional berry picker.
  8. Really Old Man

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    It'll be my way to cope with the zombie apocalypse
  9. I gotta say, your dude looks swagical. You go gurl.
  10. Really Old Man

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    But think about it logically, why would they only add one type? Initially there might only be a few types, but they may eventually add more. Besides, I'm just stating my opinion on what should be added. I'm not going to cry if I don't get my berries. This is just a simple observation. :)
  11. Really Old Man

    How to play music into dayz?

    Upload it. :P
  12. Really Old Man

    Sudden realization!!!!!

    Mushrooms would be cool.
  13. Really Old Man

    Personal rule in dayz

    I encountered some guy wearing a pay-day mask that didn't kill me today. I was sitting at a water pump filling my water bottle when I noticed the dude. I immediately went into stealth mode and went prone behind the pump. I shouted in direct to see if he was friendly. He turned around and said yes. However, he was wearing a pay-day mask, so I was contemplating whether I should kill him. However, he made no hostile moves, so we chatted and then went our separate ways In short, pay-day mask = use caution
  14. Really Old Man

    The very first kill. Do you remember yours?

    I still haven't killed anyone yet and I have only been killed 3 times from a player since the first day of the alpha.
  15. Really Old Man

    Bandits, Survivors, or Murderers?

    I've started leaning towards more civilian gear as I'm trying to be the friendly survivor that will kill if he needs to. While masks are sexy, they do look threatening and I don't wear them that often. Usually I tend to talk to gun wielders from a distance. If they don't have a gun, I might approach them but I'll still keep my distance.
  16. Really Old Man

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Steam reviews shall now consist of "I died from eating a berry 11/10". Seriously though, awesome update.
  17. It seems like getting sick is just way to easy. I played for 3 hours this morning with a friend, and we became sick 5 times. 2 of those times was from Zombies, but the rest was from us being around the other when they were sick. It seems a bit overkill to me. Also, whenever I used Alcohol to clean my wounds, it showed that I was sick. Whats up with that :/
  18. Really Old Man

    Do our characters not have immune systems?

    Well for some reason, I always eat and drink a lot but I never get the well fed message. But I also never get the I'm thirsty message for a good long while after that. I have used alcohol and it works just as efficiently as antibiotics. Try finding antibiotics. My friend drank the alcohol as well and it only made him sicker.
  19. Really Old Man

    Weapon Flashlights and map

    I need some help with these two items. I have a map of Eastern Chernarus and I don't know how to view it. Also, I have a weapon flashlight along with a pistol and m4. How do I attach the flashlight to one of those guns and how do I view the map?
  20. Really Old Man

    Weapon Flashlights and map

    Thanks bro. It seems kinda silly that you can't attach the flashlight to the pistol atm.
  21. Really Old Man

    Saying Hey

    That is probably the weirdest robbing in DayZ I've ever heard of.
  22. Really Old Man

    Twinkies for Dayz!

    They should only add one twinkie per server. It shall be the God above all other foods.
  23. Really Old Man

    New player here. Really impressed with DayZ!

    Welcome friend. Take a seat and stay a while. And don't KOS like a madman.
  24. Really Old Man

    How to steal blood?

    That's very cruel. I hope it gets implemented.
  25. Really Old Man

    Question to every Bear Grylls in Chernarus

    Don't worry, once you play enough you'll get a sixth sense of direction for DayZ.