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Everything posted by dayzhopeful

  1. dayzhopeful

    Needing a can opener to open a can is pathetic

    I agree i think its an awesome feature i dont understand how people are taking this the wrong way, i was just posing the funny real life situation to it. CHHIIIILLLL
  2. dayzhopeful

    Needing a can opener to open a can is pathetic

    i have yet to find either so i have so much joys ahead of me.
  3. dayzhopeful

    Needing a can opener to open a can is pathetic

    Im not raging just making a joke thread, your the only one raging so gtfo. How was i raging idiot ????
  4. How do you drink from a pond and water because i cant see that feature, i found it pathetic i was swimming around in a pond and getting you are reall thirsty message, WTF.
  5. dayzhopeful

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Everyone mate, not saying that to be a douchebag but geniunely all of them.
  6. dayzhopeful

    Not having any fun !!

    The problem with the game at the moment is you die so quickly, literally as soon as you spawn you get a message saying you are thirsty. And if everything near you has been picked clean you are screwed pretty quickly and thats whats annoying me, dont get me wrong i am loving the noobish feeling of pooing and spraying everywhere as soon as i see someone.
  7. dayzhopeful

    Not having any fun !!

    The thing with this is i DONT know where i spawn so this map becomes futile, thanks anyway.
  8. dayzhopeful

    Not having any fun !!

    Good idea but i did buy dayz to avoid getting arma so i dont really wanna spen another 20 pounds.
  9. dayzhopeful

    Here we go again ..armed players kill newspawns..

    Not even seen a gun yet, although if i did i would certainly be on the wrong end of it so its probably a good thing.
  10. dayzhopeful

    If your new, you should read this.

    Thanks man this post helped a lot with explaining the sickness. So even if i am attacked and bandage myself im fucked without disinfectent anyway ????
  11. dayzhopeful

    What Have YOU Found

    three backpacks, lost them all. Two medkits Some sticks Bottle of water And that is ti in 8 hours, how am i meant to not die from starvation with only finding that it just does not make much sense to me. Edit : Today has been fun. M4 and A pistol lots of military gear, military backpack, military boots now i just need some ammo but then someone decided to start shooting me in the back so i ran for my life, left the game while bleeding and can only hope i survive to use my new stuff.
  12. dayzhopeful

    Not having any fun !!

    You are an idiot. Dont comment if you have nothing to add or anything that anyone wants to hear.
  13. dayzhopeful

    Are There Only 3 Guns On 1st Release?

    Im new and i found the team death match, always watching your back, getting into shootouts and needing to find friends a massive part of what made me want to get this game so i hope they dont remove that part of it. Anti material rifle is a bit excessive though.
  14. dayzhopeful

    Not having any fun !!

    Your picture and your name suggest you might handcuff and rape me, because of that i am going to decline your offer.
  15. dayzhopeful

    Joining Servers, broke?

    I can not see any servers in my list either, this is a massive bug, also my carachter keeps being reset to a female and it is getting tedious. Also when joining a server earlier on it was saying wait for host for a very long time. Other than that great job.
  16. dayzhopeful

    Where is the HUD

    Yeah i just looked around and your right, that's fine by me then as long as no one else has a hud then its all fair.
  17. dayzhopeful

    Where is the HUD

    No there was a hud that showed your health and stuff, that one. I like the mystery of not knowing when you are going to die but i prefer more when i can see the life draining from me and i cant do anything ??
  18. dayzhopeful

    No Zombies or invisible?

    Is this a zombie game with no zombies because i heard a number like 50,000 being chucked around but i have yet to encounter one zombie ???