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Everything posted by dayzhopeful

  1. dayzhopeful

    I found the rarest item

    I do see your point. But honestly why would i make up an item in the game lol its a crazy notion.
  2. dayzhopeful


    This is a trap. He is trying to get you to devils castle so his group can snipe at you, he has already done it to me. Dont dooo iiittt.
  3. dayzhopeful

    I found the rarest item

    Its called sarcasm, ever heard of it. Its what all the women use when they talk about you.
  4. dayzhopeful

    I found the rarest item

    So guys it looks like we have established there is an item called a stab proof vest and it is very rare and thats why most of the noobs who have been commenting can not find it.
  5. dayzhopeful

    I found the rarest item

    Oh cool man so you found the stab vest as well, sorry according to all of the above you must be a liar :D
  6. I think its hilarious how people can try and take the moral high ground on this over the forum yet when i am in game and i shoot a group of people literally everyone i have fought with since getting the game has logged out, i dont see how with all these people claiming they do not log out i have never encountered one of them.
  7. dayzhopeful

    I found the rarest item

    So does your post.
  8. dayzhopeful

    I found the rarest item

    Screw you guys, because i am going to think of a stupid item like a stab proof vest and then make up that i found it in game and then i am going to actively try and defend this made up item over the internet forum of the game that i tried to included my made up item in. I think it is you fools who need to GTFO
  9. dayzhopeful

    Where do you find guns?

    They always spawn in the same places and people go there and swap servers and clear the guns out completely meaning that if you dont server swap like everyone else you will lose big time. The places the guns are, airports military bases and also mosins can be found in towns and in cars so check these places as well but focus on getting to an airport or mb if you really want a gun with ammo.
  10. dayzhopeful

    I found the rarest item

    Hey man why would i lie. I swear it was the first train station that you could walk through i found and it was on the platform but i had a tactical vest on so i did not want to swap it.
  11. dayzhopeful

    Death By Fall Damage.

    The exact same thing happened to me today, it threw me past the ladder and off the roof.
  12. dayzhopeful

    Need help

    Use a map to locate the well, if only there was some way you could get a map.
  13. dayzhopeful

    Rifle´s n backpack

    You sad waste of space, lurking on the forums leaving negative comments and copy and pasting pictures from google. Your life must be a joke.
  14. dayzhopeful

    How do I....

    1. not implemented yet. 2. To zoom in and out you use the plus and minus signs on the numpad.
  15. dayzhopeful

    Combatlogging, what it is, and how to prevent it

    Then that is fair and people should change up their play style for that, so if you hit someone, he hides and you feel he is going to logout you must go in for the kill or risk losing the hunt. I think that solution would work perfectly.
  16. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    So yesterday i was in the airport building and someone was up stairs we were having a good old mexican stand off and i was waiting for him to come down, little did i know he had logged into a different server walked behind me and then spawned back in and killed me from behind. This is pathetic and is completely exploiting the game. I personally and i am sure a lot of people would not use this exploit because it ruins the entire point of playing but dying is bad enough on this game, dying to a cheat makes it hard to keep my faith in the game. I can not think of any way to combat this really except maybe putting a timer on people logging out. Any ideas on how to stop this, can it even be stopped and has anyone had anyone use server hopping to there advantage to kill you ??
  17. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    I doubt that very much. You see i have something called a social life away from the internet, have you ever heard of that tied up in your uncles basement ??
  18. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    Am i mad that you spend your time searching the internet for pictures to post on a forum about a game, not just one picture but several. No i do not think mad is the word i would use. So how is your real life away from your internet pictures???
  19. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    WOW no winks this time, i think you finally killed the last of the smileys.
  20. dayzhopeful

    What am I doing wrong?

    find out where you are with the road signs, get a bit of food and water and head to the nearest military base or the nearest airport. That is where the fun begins.
  21. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    If you wink that much in real life people will think you have a problem . It all makes sense now.
  22. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    'high and mighty.' How am i acting high and mighty by not letting you dictate my forum experience to me, trying to show me how to use a forum is if its the newest thing since sliced bread. Also do not try and twist my words i never said the mod was irrelevant to dayz, i said nothing of the sort. What i said was talking about the mod for arma 2 is irrelevant to the new players of the dayz standalone. You can talk about the mod but we have no experience of the mod at all so when you talk about it it means nothing to us. I hope you can understand this one.
  23. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    Why do you keep winking, smiley faces really show a boys true colors.
  24. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    Yeah i understand what your trying to say but we did not play the mod so the mod is irrelevant to us. Sorry are you a moderater??
  25. dayzhopeful

    combat logged

    Rules: 2) Flaming: Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited, this includes the Personal Message Service. Use common sense while posting. 3) Off-topic posts: Any posts that are not relevant to the thread are considered spam. 4) Offensive Content: Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense. We want to show this website to our mums. 6) Cross-posting: Posting a thread in more than one forum is annoying and thus not allowed. Just post it once in the correct place. 8) Hypocrisy: Breaking rules to stop other rule breakers, or to prove a point. Just because they did it, doesn't mean you can do it as well, nor should you ban evade to prove a 'point'. I guess there are a lot of posters here namely the ones telling me to use the search function that are breaking some of these rules. 'Please use the search function (or, merely search the forums yourself) before posting to ensure that multiple topics for the same issues are not created.' That is not in the forum rules and actually the use of the word please suggests that it is not a rule like the others.