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Salem (DayZ)

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About Salem (DayZ)

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  1. I attest to this "Mage" chap being shifty as I was with them at the time.
  2. Salem (DayZ)

    I died for no reason again thread

    OH, well it mush be if you are under 8k a zombie can just ko you in one hit...... or I am my be making this up. Either way I don't think staying at 4k health was a good idea, maybe someone killed you by throwing a can into the bush?
  3. Salem (DayZ)

    I died for no reason again thread

    If you are under 5k or 8k health (can't remember) you have a chance of randomly passing out.
  4. Salem (DayZ)

    Any Girls Playing DayZ?

    It's a trap....
  5. Salem (DayZ)


    "I put a lot of money into this clan and BE to go and give me a bad name......" A bad name, or a BAND name? MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHA!!!
  6. Salem (DayZ)

    Helicopters only on certain servers?

    I think from what I can see it is up to the sever admins to add in vehicles. So some severs will have them and some won't. Then again I am always wrong so don't listen to me.
  7. Salem (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] None of you are as cool as this chicken

    I believe they like to be called bookins.
  8. Salem (DayZ)

    Fragility of  ArmA2 was exposed

    6. Party :cool: I agree any type of security has a way around it but you just keep on keeping on. 7. can be some kind of giant mouse trap.
  9. Salem (DayZ)

    Bus Driver's Union

    Yes, hail to the bus driver, bus, driver, man...
  10. Salem (DayZ)

    [video] Giant Navy ship found

    Does look awesome, I agree should be added to the mapping, maybe you could get mil kit out of it making the game more like cod haha!
  11. Salem (DayZ)

    Adrenaline Shot idea

    Should add drugs, like speed and meth, so while people are doing in-game drugs maybe I will have a freaking chance to get out of a starting area without being killed!
  12. Salem (DayZ)

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    First off isn't it true Dr. Wasteland, YOU ARE NOT A REAL DOCTOR!!?? >.< I find that is is really cool what you are doing but I think people would go out of there way to kill you. Keep up the good work, keep your head down.
  13. Salem (DayZ)

    Zero tolerance for disconnects - NO EXCEPTIONS

    Here is an idea, If you DC, turn off your game, or whatever you die, start again. Maybe they can implement in-game sleeping. Never the less, you log you die or you could get over yourself and just role with the logs, it's all good.
  14. Salem (DayZ)

    Maiming is so fun.

    I find Day Z to be much like that prison show "Oz", if you are not in a gang you are 100% going to get killed.