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About Ringwraith

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ringwraith

    What do think about the game so far ?!

    I've been enjoying it so far. I'd at least like for them to add bicycles back in soon, just some way to get around the map faster than running. I like finding all the different kinds of loot. Most of all though, the player customization, no more mistaking friends for enemies, and vice versa!
  2. Ringwraith

    Pants Robbery

    That was great, haha!
  3. Ringwraith

    DayZ Server List (WOW!)

    I think it's a steam issue, it's happening to a lot of steam games atm
  4. So i found this febreeze looking bottle while scavenging this house, and the only option it gave me at the time was to drink it, so I did, lol. Sure enough, my guy got sick, and eventually died, but it took a while. I wasn't even mad, I'd spent hours running up and down the map, not getting hurt, finding all sorts of stuff, and i get killed by "drinking bleach" :P. So I guess that's one suicide method if anyone needs it!
  5. Ringwraith

    I salute BI and Dean Hall

    I have also been very pleased. Already much better than the mod, the inventory system is very smooth! The only issues I seem to be having is walking/running. Sometimes my guy will only walk, and double tapping or holding shift does nothing, and sometimes it works.