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Everything posted by PastorPounder

  1. PastorPounder


    Soooo I guess I don't understand the meaning of persistent loot/containers? My understanding was that any loot could be placed on the ground and would remain there for a certain "lifetime", this varying on what the item is. This includes staying "persistent" through server restarts. - To test this I decided to find a good area I was going to try and start setting up camp. I placed a camp fire down and a random pistol I had been carrying. I then ran off to continue my looting and find some of the new survival items they added (I cant find a blade for the life of me to cut up my burlap sack >:l). I returned about 45 minutes later. The fire was still there. I then signed out here and was gone for about an hour. I returned to see the server was empty and was in the middle of resetting. It took a LONG time for the thing to reset to let me in, which I thought maybe was due to it having to populate the map with persistent items.. Well.. no.. I finally got back in to see my campfire gone and the pistol I placed gone. Do I have the correct understanding of how its suppose to work or is there a bug they announced that I am missing? Thanks, Steve
  2. PastorPounder

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    Because hes an assholemean. People who do this annoy me to no end. You asked a question that anyone can easily answer if they had been previously following the logs and status reports.
  3. PastorPounder

    Do you carry a handgun when you have an automatic rifle?

    So.. there's this thing called punctuation.. fyi..
  4. PastorPounder

    Cozy little home!

    So I finally settled down in a cozy little spot where no one would think to look (so says everyone). My fireplace and gear all safe and sound through the resets, just need to find myself a tent to replace having backpacks as storage. So where have you guys setup at? (Non descriptively obviously. Rural, Elektro apt building number 203, bum-f%&* nowhere). Show some pictures, tell your story! Here's mine at the moment! - NOTE: Notice in two of the shots I found a nice little bug. The light from my fireplace doesn't appear after being a certain distance away. Two pictures taken, one being two steps further back. AHHH THE LIGHT! COME FIND ME! :D
  5. PastorPounder

    Cozy little home!

    Not to hard to guess ;) No beach in sight. So not East and no rocky/hills. So not in the North.
  6. PastorPounder


    Good thing I picked up my AKM before logging. I came back and found my axe I had left out and the fireplace kit to be gone. Everything inside the bag was still ok though. So the life time I would say AT MOST is 2 hours maybe? Seems pretty short..
  7. PastorPounder


    No sir, it was on the ground, along with my fireplace kit. Let me remind you though, mine was alone there for 20 minutes.. Your tests were spanning hours at a time. I think im wrapping it up for a while. I will check later tonight and see what the results are and let you know. Btw I can confirm your backpack bug, whole thing was empty. And the AKM had no attachments, the model on the ground even showed nothing on it! I just cycled mine (put it on, took it off) and everything returned to how its suppose to be.
  8. PastorPounder


    Good to hear, I was able to confirm this for myself as well. I found a cozy spot I was wanting to setup at and placed a fire down. Set a leather bag and my AKM under a tree and headed out for looting. I was hoping to return and get some things situated but a server reset came. It took the server FOREVER to finally reset and let me back in. But to my delight, when I returned, my gear was all there! WHOOOOOOO!!
  9. PastorPounder


    Yes, please let me know! I think I just found a server Im going to setup in
  10. PastorPounder

    Tent Hunt!

    I'm sure he realizes this..... I would honestly pick the corner of "an open field" like that versus a most other places.. I would lay money that MOST people stick to towns/roads connecting towns..
  11. PastorPounder

    Tent Hunt!

    Your signature/banner thingy makes me think otherwise about trying to find you.. YOU may be the one doing the KOS :P
  12. PastorPounder


    Unfortunately my guy I have been playing so much on lately and is pretty well geared to how I want him is on a privately hosted server.. whatever they call those? So when it comes time for that server to enable persistence and I can finally settle down, hopefully there is no char reset that ensues.
  13. PastorPounder


    Gotcha, well I hopped on a persistant server.. Somethings off? The loot respawns/tables seem to be broken. Literally nothing. anywhere. At first I dismissed it as someone already came through.. I moved on and got to another town, literally nothing. In any of the houses.. even the closed ones.. No trash that people usually ignore.. nothing :/ So I guess ill head back to some other servers I play and just horde my loot on my person for the time being xD
  14. PastorPounder


    Good question. Didn't realize this was an option. So I'm assuming no and that was my issue?
  15. PastorPounder

    Decreased interest in the game?

    Number do not lie.. WOW! I didn't think the Mod would be so low..
  16. PastorPounder

    "Wearable" Gas lamps! Yes? No?

    Was playing and it began to get dark and I had an idea come to me. No its nothing new but its a feature that DayZ lacks at the moment. I personally dread playing at night due to lack of sight lol. I don't mind wearing headlamps, but I had an idea. As the title says, a "wearable" gas lamp. When I say wearable, I mean in the sense of the inventory spaces, it becomes an item you are wearing and doesn't take up bag space, but it hangs from your side or something on your belt. I think it would be pretty cool, it would illuminate the surrounding area. OR You can just walk around with it in your hands holding it up by your face, I don't mind either way. Reason being for the wearable would be to keep your hands free for a weapon or melee. I think in general this would just look cool. BRING ON THE SURVIVAL ASPECTS! This is just another idea to add that would bring this game to the top and away from the common open world PVP that seems to be developing lately. Let me know what you guys think or how we could build on it! Cheers! EDIT/// Perfect example of what im talking about and want! Go to 8:37
  17. PastorPounder

    "Wearable" Gas lamps! Yes? No?

    This is EXACTLY what I was thinking! Just using butane lamps and not kerosene.. or.. troll fat? Idk what they use in skyrim lol EDIT// Maybe if I'd look closer, its a candle xD
  18. PastorPounder

    "Wearable" Gas lamps! Yes? No?

    Man you are just running with this lol. I really like your thinking, in regards to hanging it on things, it could make for a cool immersive "homemade" settlement of some weary travelers huddled under a tree.
  19. PastorPounder

    "Wearable" Gas lamps! Yes? No?

    I believe so, just saying. I was going more for the wearable option :) YES! I like your thinking. lol
  20. PastorPounder

    It´s time to retire for DayZ

    You made a post about this why? If you are going to go.. then go.
  21. PastorPounder

    Im tweakin man!

    I check several times on a daily basis for new patch notes! lol... I just cant wait for new content and to see what they bring to us next! ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY MAN!
  22. PastorPounder

    This needs to be shared!

    More like 3:19 holy shit. lmfao