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About dsdoan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dsdoan

    Any way to Suicide?

    My temporary work-around to the issue was quickly throwing together this video, crouching my character to his knees, playing the video's audio into my open mic on repeat, and taking a shower. I'm not sure all of these steps were required, but when I came back, I was dead and well.
  2. dsdoan

    Any way to Suicide?

    I should've mentioned this. Yeah, I both logged out and server hopped.
  3. I attempted walking onto a pile of garbage on the edge of a lake, which resulted in my character becoming stuck, repeatedly bouncing between two points of elevation. I can change my view vertically, but cannot change my view horizontally, nor can I walk, run, etc in place. I've fired off 60+ shots into the air hoping someone or something would hear, but have had no luck. I've tried laying in the water to drown myself, which has no effect. I've tried ODing on vitamins, as well as relogging and server hopping. I am hydrated, energized, and healthy. I've tried searching, but the last topic in the search results was from April.
  4. dsdoan

    how good are the zombies?

    I never played the mod, but I've been able to easily handle 1-2 zombies at a time with a fire extinguisher. In small numbers they aren't much of a threat, even with melee weapons.
  5. dsdoan

    Mouse really hard to use?

    I have the same issue. Vertical movement is extremely touchy. Horizontal doesn't seem bad, but without vertical working properly I can't say for sure. Outside the game, I have mouse acceleration disabled. In game I've tried every combination of sensitivities and smoothness. It may be related to ingame mouse acceleration, but I can't disable it ingame, because clicking the toggle does nothing. Is that a known problem, or just me?