I know the combat logging has purposely been disabled but I'm looking forward to it being reactivated. I've played quite a bit now and had 4 encounters with players coming after me. 1 with an m4 but a bad shot. With plenty of zig zagging I got so close to him he had to run away... I got one hit with an axe and he quit. Had things like this a few times now. Another thing on the combat logging, on the mod the count down timer was a start but if u alt and tabbed to windows and then forced closed the game, u have the same effect. Although this may take a few seconds longer, it's a work around. Don't know if anyone has a way around this one? I suppose if u quit illegitimately like that the server can keep the player at its last position for maybe 20 seconds for well er being a cheat and give a zed or player a chance to kill them. Connection issues would be a problem though, if u lost it and died because of it, that would be annoying. What's everyone else's thoughts on this?