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Everything posted by Zuriev

  1. Zuriev

    battleye kick

    I'm getting this problem aswell ..
  2. Where can I get the 1.62.99113 patch?
  3. Tell me about it, everytime it's the same, he says it fixed then it's something els and it's goon be like this forever... If it's gonne stay like this his gonna lose players, ALLOT of players.
  4. Zuriev

    I am a Survivor (Official)

    Cant wait till the next episode!
  5. Zuriev

    Beancateen vs Hackers

    That was so sweet helping all those guys at the coast!
  6. Zuriev

    I found the PERFECT theme for DayZ!

    You got my beans! Movie made me laugh!
  7. Music killed my ears... Nice find tough!
  8. Zuriev

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP1

    3:56... The guy got ripped apard so hard! Great video tough!
  9. Zuriev

    Lucky day

    Well, looks like it was my lucky day this morning.... Found a car, motorcycle and an old bike.. Also some nice loot. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37265398/Dayz/ArmA2OA%202012-06-12%2010-15-32-88.bmp https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37265398/Dayz/ArmA2OA%202012-06-12%2010-16-23-68.bmp https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37265398/Dayz/ArmA2OA%202012-06-12%2010-16-27-68.bmp https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37265398/Dayz/ArmA2OA%202012-06-12%2010-16-31-89.bmp