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Everything posted by furyk

  1. furyk

    Weapon cleaning damages the weapon.

    Because the "use search function" police are normally wannabe moderators that hope if they act like one long enough they be made one, I believe on an unconscious level they desire bit of importance and power over others probably stemming from an unhappy life or being bullied in school. That's how I see them anyway :D. Anyway OP thanks for posting I had noticed this too, good to have it confirmed oh and I found this post by using the search function.
  2. Bah guy above beat me to it ^^ :D
  3. furyk

    Hive down?

    Same here
  4. furyk

    Don't Touch the Spray Cans

    I can confirm this you have to chamber single rounds
  5. Pic of a new military zombie if anyone is interested - http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/487814329766453198/12DB5F642B7B2F2CDC8CCE5AE8B152E85388AFB7/
  6. Painted my Mosin black and now have the same issue :(
  7. Here's a pic of the black military beret I have also seen blue, red and green ones - http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/487814329756532540/C3819E1EE077275C92A4D88A77AB10984CBF92DF//
  8. furyk

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    You just don't get it do you, why should they waste time backing up a constantly evolving database for a game that is in testing phase they have got bigger fish to fry then worry about our gear, if you don't like it stop playing and come back on release.
  9. furyk

    Low CPU usage

    Hi I have recently changed my monitoring software to include cpu usage during gameplay and noticed that although my gpu usage is maxed out while playing dayz my cpu usage on all cores is around 20-30%. This surprises me as things like BF4 max out my gpu and my cpu cores to around 70%, I always assumed dayz/Arma was cpu intensive. Anyone else seeing this ? i5@4.2 HD6850 overclocked **I forgot to say running on high settings @ 1366x768 gpu max's at 99%**
  10. furyk

    Low CPU usage

    I'm using msi afterburner Beta and I love it, Not only does it monitor all my gpu and cpu stats, but it also overclocks my gpu and has video recording, Great little program.
  11. furyk

    Please Help !!

    Have you tried verifying the game files through steam ?
  12. furyk

    Authentication TImeout

    Currently got the same problem I believe its the steam servers, as after restarting my steam client steam will no longer connect. http://steamstat.us/
  13. furyk

    Vehicle numbers

    I hope there will be anyway to lock or save a vehicle in the SA my biggest problem with the mod was spending a lot of time fixing up a vehicle only to have it stolen while offline despite my best efforts to hide it. It's hard enough to keep a vehicle while online.
  14. Think I have killed 2 people since the alpha released, generally I have the worst luck my attackers have got the drop on me every time and I'm murdered before I even see them :huh: But like a can of :beans: I'm not bitter that's just Day Z for you, besides every dog has his day !
  15. furyk

    Went from Doomsday Soldier to Fresh Spawn :(

    Are you sure ? FYI: this has only happened to me when I logged out in buildings
  16. furyk

    This new patch guys ...... myaaah?

    Pretty sure they throw this patch in just to shut the , " why no patch over xmas " whiners. We should be grateful for any updates during the holidays.
  17. Camping fresh spawns ? How small must there genitals be.
  18. furyk

    This is bs.

    I would think you must have small genitals to do such a thing
  19. furyk

    Found some Hacker. Got his name.

    Well I learned 2 new things from this post that I didn't know before, You can look in buildings with a camera glitch & and when your unconscious/dead you can ramp your gamma up to see beyond the black screen.
  20. furyk

    A few settings questions.

    1: The disable mouse acceleration is bugged at the moment, hold tight for a fix I doubt we need to wait too long for this. 2: No idea either myself unless there is an option in the cfg file ? Bonus : There is no storage implemented at this time in the alpha, but it will be implemented at some point.