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Everything posted by LoosingExtacy

  1. Hey guys, you guys know me as LoosingExtacy, but I go under another name known as CrazyWebDev. For a while now I've been developing websites for small businesses, until now. A friend of mine came to be with a proposition, build a website for a more immersive DayZ experience. The idea was to create a website for veteran players. A website with the ability to show your accomplishments in game through various achievements. So here I am now, as the lead website developer, asking members of the DayZ community to give me some ideas. One being, ideas on achievements that can be earned. That being funny or not. And two being, ways to prove that members have correctly earned there achievements. My idea on this is creating a system of screenshots. For an example lets say the achievement is to run from one point to another. Starting at point A you take a screenshot then you move to point B and take a screenshot, then to C and so on until you have reached the final destination. Give me some idea's on what you guys think and how we can improve. We are looking for website developers with moderately good skills in the following: HTML CSS PHP Javascript If you would like to help with the project you can submit a questionaire (will roughly take about 10 minutes) at this link: https://docs.google....-86Q1A/viewform Thanks, CrazyWebDev LoosingExtacy
  2. Hey guys I recently posted a topic about a project I'm working on. You can see the topic here : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165371-new-project-for-immersive-gameplay-in-dayz/ We are looking for website developers with moderately good skills in the following: HTML CSS PHP Javascript If you would like to help with the project you can submit a questionaire (will roughly take about 10 minutes) at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1D3Szu6kirPsl-czmpZpYiDed04kJzLH93s4nb-86Q1A/viewform Thanks, LoosingExtacy CrazyWebDev Website Development Lead
  3. I'll be contacting some developer friends of mine to see what we can do to make this a reality, I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of .exe program. But without the support of DayZ staff, not sure we'll be able to do it. I'll see what I can do to get ahold of one of the old DayZ mod developers i'm good friends with. He might be able to tell me who to get ahold of.
  4. I know right, that made my day.
  5. If you guys are wondering how it is going now, Roughly speaking this is what we have in mind http://prntscr.com/2jt8ns http://prntscr.com/2jt9bf I'm the lead website developer, and the only website developer at the moment. We have 6 writers who will be writing up our tricks and tips page along with descriptions of achievements and of course our project manager/graphic artist
  6. All in good time, we'll weed out what works and what doesn't :)
  7. Things such as kills would be broken up into groups, say for example you have a buddy team of 5 guys/gals, when the group reaches a certain point of Zombie kills they get awarded an icon on there account on the site. it's very much possible that people COD kiddies will brag about kills, guess we will just have to see.
  8. I'm working with one of the admins of Breaking Point for ideas on how we could create a 3rd party system like that for both Breaking Point Mod and DayZ. We'll see haha
  9. haha, that's funny man, thanks for the laugh
  10. I have a system in the works. this is a very rough thought, still thinking of ideas to improve upon ideas at the moment..
  11. Thanks for your input. As far as the veterans of DayZ, if you think about it, people can get bored of the same thing over and over again, the thought of adding an achievement system would bring a whole new game to the table, bringing everyone together to work on a common goal. Not just running around like headless chickens shooting each other.
  12. Love the ideas, as for DayZ I can't speak on certainty that they will work with me on the idea, I guess thats something we will find out in future terms. As for now though, I know Breaking point Mod is thinking of supporting the idea. Guess we will see.
  13. Ive got support from many different people, this isn't just a task I'm doing by myself.
  14. The fact that we would be bringing the community together for a common purpose, makes it more immersive
  15. LoosingExtacy

    DayZ Standalone Wiki

    Hey guys, just wanted to know if there will be a how-to wiki up soon. I love the game but there is like 500000 million things that can happen and I'm not sure what everything does.
  16. So I have decided to open up my own public RaidCall server to new players, weather that be questions or looking for people to run around with. If you are unfamiliar with RaidCall check it out here. http://www.raidcall.com You will need an account and download the program, but once done search for "DayZFriendZ" and connect to the group. We previously had gamevox but it is too confusing for people to connect. PS: I need people who will be able to help out new players and answer questions they may have :) Hope to see you guys there!
  17. LoosingExtacy

    Hackers in SA

    I can say today at balota plain as day, a hacker cam up behind me and shot me in the back of the head. All you could see was the fire from the gun, my entire team got wiped out by this guy. nothing but a flash from his muzzle.
  18. LoosingExtacy

    New Players Haven "DayZFriendZ" Public Voice Server

    DayZ FriendZ Will be opening it's website to the public shortly!
  19. LoosingExtacy

    New Players Haven "DayZFriendZ" Public Voice Server

    If I can get some donations in I will work on getting a server and a website up and running! Right now a server is around $89 a month and a website is only like $5 a month so website will come first! Good question. And your application has been accepted :D
  20. LoosingExtacy

    New Players Haven "DayZFriendZ" Public Voice Server

    I'm not sure, honestly, as long as they don't break any rules, I don't care if they come in or not. The raid call is open to anyone.
  21. LoosingExtacy

    New Players Haven "DayZFriendZ" Public Voice Server

    I'll look into this sounds interesting. Hows the sound quality? and does it have DDoS Mitigation? EDIT: I looked into and I Absolutly Love Raid Call, Might start using it as my voice comunitcations
  22. LoosingExtacy

    New Players Haven "DayZFriendZ" Public Voice Server

    Bump! Still looking for people who can help out new players and show them the ropes.
  23. LoosingExtacy

    New Players Haven "DayZFriendZ" Public Voice Server

    Plans are to make a community based forums for people to specifically look for friends.