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CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

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Posts posted by CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

  1. If you had the choice between freezing your ass off and freezing your half ass off at a camp fire you would try to light one up nonetheless.


    Of course fireplaces will always be used. Its just let us not spoil ourselves on making it too easy or ignore them for being too difficult to make. Putting wood, paper/books and matches together to make a fire is fair with me because it will encourage people to go back to cities more.


    Now I have another idea: Keep on feeding the campfire wood and paper if you want the fire to keep burning longer so that you dont have to spawn new campfires over the other. Now that is realistic!

  2. What I would suggest also are OPPORTUNIST animals.


    Lets say you kill a rabbit then suddenly, a coyote or hyena comes to the scene and literally steals your food from you!


    So you are forced to shoot the thief animal too or chase out the thief before you get the prey.



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  3. Do we really need stones? I mean, who needs stones to build a campfire? Just firewood.


    You make sense then I also thought about making cooking meat a little difficult because you will become literally self sufficient by just cooking in the forest and a water canteen. If those two is already enough on what you need to survive then what about those Beans? Spaghetti? Tuna and Sardines?


    We must make sure there is a balance and need for players to visit the cities to promote player interaction and the usual fire fights.

  4. So if I am correct from what I read, the campfire and cooking feature will be available early 2014.


    And I believe the items needed are chopped wood, stones and matches.


    It makes sense and I have a suggestion to probably a better Idea.


    Instead of stone, it should be PAPER or BOOKS!




    Because if you come to think of it, the books are a rarely picked up item in the game because they are almost useless.


    To make them useful, they must be a necessary item for survival.


    Now if you want to make a campfire in real life, you will need a fast burning material or a fire starter to keep the fire up until the wood is dark and ember.


    I suggest PAPER is a 1 use item while BOOKS can contain 5-10 sheets of paper that you can burn.


    This way the players will be encouraged to pick up those papers and books to read... learn something then once they are finished with it, cook meat with it!


    To make it even more interesting, make it a little harder to start fire without them like there is a 30%-50% chance of fire starting with only matches and wood but an instant fire if you have paper and books.


    Do I make sense here?


    Thank you for reading!!!! :D




    Now I have another idea: Keep on feeding the campfire wood and paper if you want the fire to keep burning longer so that you dont have to spawn new campfires over the other. Now that is realistic!


    Edit2: Use books as a layer of protection for your items in the backpack. The books get damaged to Ruined condition first before bullets be able to damage the more important items.

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