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CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

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Posts posted by CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

  1. It might be a lot better to make the melee punches and weapons to be activated by first pressing the space bar then when about to hit, hold the right mouse button while moving the mouse in circular left or right directions which your character should also be able to simulate the same angles and directions of the mouse that way each attack is unique and not static unlike what we have right now.

    Is this even possible?

  2. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004BKIQEW/ref=s9_hps_bw_g200_i2


    I just bought 7 pairs of these pricey compression socks which according to my research helps in alleviating pain, fatigue and other benefits. I am eager to have them tomorrow because these will be crucial to my job which I hope will help me become less tired when I get home.


    I say we add something like this to the game to improve running performance, less injury, more warmth to the body and of course, for improvisation as a zombie apocalypse survival tool. Have any ideas?


    There should be a variety of socks: ordinary civilian, military socks and compression socks.

  3. I think it should come down to character customization. You can't choose not to have a disability of some sort, but you can choose things like:


    -Blood Type: everyone must have one or it is randomized.

    -An allergy: can be to any particular type of food item, can be overcome with using an Epi Pen. Can be selected or randomized.

    -A predisposed illness: could be things like Celiac Disease (manageable by eating gluten free foods, consuming gluten products will cause minor sickness,) HIV (manageable by avoiding other sick players or reinforced usage of antibiotics and vitamins, catching other illnesses will be more severe,) Diabetes (manageable by consuming high sugar food and drinks or using insulin shots, low blood sugar levels can cause unconsciousness and passing out,) Asthma (manageable by using gas masks or ventalin, poor management will cause unconsciousness or accuracy/stamina problems,) or schizophrenia (the player may occasionally hallucinate and see zombies or players that aren't actually there.)

    -Age: you can choose your player's age, older players will have more skill in shooting (better accuracy, steadier aim,) but lack the health and fitness levels of younger players.

    -Skin type/race: Obviously this is already in, but this can affect how easily you can become hyper or hypo thermic, as well as punching strength, stamina and weapons discipline.




    Are you a health care practitioner? A doctor or nurse?

  4. We genetically inherit physical traits from our biological parents and unfortunately it sometimes include some disease or weakness that makes us prone to environmental factors.


    Here are some articles that can explain what I mean:







    But this leaves a question on how can they be detected in game and if there is a real world way of testing yourself for diseases like blood test, urine/fecal test and any other physical health checkups that is applicable in an apocalypse setting?


    I hope this will encourage players to raid hospitals and get these checkups.

    • Like 1

  5. Great idea!

    That cargo shipwreck on the north east should have a few submerged container boxes that can be salvageable by a new spawn/up equipped diver with the risk of drowning but a lot easier and safer with scuba gear. If you drown, you will be unconscious and if stay under water a little longer, you will die. This way, your friend must immediately rescue you and and do CPR before you die.

    Might as well be able to make a craftable wooden raft (from harvested timber and oil drums?) and with the already in game paddle, you can paddle away to get as close to that submerged shipping container.

    Under water caves can be added to the game to encourage scuba diving where caves can lead to emerging to an inland location.

    Add swimming zombies or sharks.

    Personal protection under water with a knife or spear gun.

    • Like 1

  6. In real life, if you are a meat eater like me, you don't get hungry very quickly because meat digests a lot slower (even more slower if you add animal fat to it) compared to eating vegetables, carbohydrates and fruits.

    This should also be the case in dayz, I almost never get hungry when I am surviving because all I need to do is to get to an apple orchard in berezino and I will get a tummy full of apples in a short while.

    Make it like eating canned beans, spaghetti, fruit cocktail, fresh fruits and vegetables makes you energized but after a few sprints, you should be seeing the usual signs that you need to eat more.

    Therefore make the tactical bacon and sardines rare and very useful food supply.

    That way people will be more encouraged to hunt/fish for food and when it comes to worst, die on hunger or taste the "forbidden" meat.

    • Like 4

  7. To add more realism in the game, the rope should be a necessary item to be tied on any rifle before it can be holstered on the shoulders like a rifle sling. Without it, you will be forced to carry them by hand and drop them on the ground when you need to use your hands for other things.


    Think of a scenario where you catch someone off guard because he drops his weapon to do his thing and you have the advantage.


    This way, handguns and sawed off weapons as a backup weapon becomes a much bigger necessity.


    Might as well add a real rifle sling in the loot table.

    • Like 5

  8. Dumpsters and trash cans should be searchable. It can be used as a hiding place for a weapon like a hand gun for "social experimentation" purposes.

    Make the trash filled mostly with garbage like rotten stuff and empty cans

    BONUS : When they implement food scarcity, have an option to pick up a rotten fruit and be able to eat only the still edible parts and for empty cans, scoop with your finger in the inside to scrounge leftovers.

    • Like 2

  9. Description: Just add water and boil before consumption!


    Optional: Craft chopsticks out of sticks to be able to consume with less spillage.


    Rocket fought away (or is it stole from?) a dude just to eat a rotten one if I can remember correctly during his survival training in the past in the military. Why is this not included yet?

  10. So we are in a zombie apocalypse right?


    Where are the corpses of the killed?


    There should be a random dead guy spawn somewhere that you can loot.


    To make it interesting:


    1.) make the corpse surrounded by zombies that is busy eating the victim.


    Civilian Dead Spawn - Civilian Weapons, Food and Clothing


    Soldier Dead Spawn - Military Weapons and Equipment


    Doctor Dead Spawn - Medical Equipment



    2.) To encourage players to venture into the woods, these corpses can be spawned sitting and leaning against a tree (lightly NSFW) and could be posed like he had just committed suicide.

  11. With the use of pliers, we should be able to detach the bullet from the casing and collect the gun powder to use as recipe for anything explosive. The lead can be collected too to be melted into something.

    Or perhaps we can also add super rare items to the game like the ancient Arquebuses used by old russian soldiers to use the gun powder from.


    Since we can a have a loot spawn of a sword from the castles why not ancient guns too?

    • Like 1

  12. You will need to sacrifice your back pack to equip one and needs a fuel can to fill up.

    Perfect when base building comes to the game.

    Then also the fire extinguisher should be able to operate to stop the fires!

    • Like 2

  13. I am even thinking about the possibility of using metal detectors to find these land mines to diffuse or repurposing it as your own camp defense but these passive weapons might be overpowered so perhaps diffusing it is much reasonable.

    Then the metal detector should have other uses like finding scrap metal from a junkyard to fix vehicles or to find buried weapons.

  14. Make a Military base that has good loot has areas littered with land mines around it but not the main entrance and put up signs in russian language about the hazard.

    Make it like the military put these as defenses against the zombies but little they know the infection can come also from the inside.

    • Like 3

  15. Jesus Christ I thought I was alone in this.

    I too collect stuff until they are pristine and i literally scout for long minutes or maybe an hour before moving in to the military buildings.

    The result of this is I usually spot people first and when that happens my heart start racing like hell but I just lay prone and observe and observe until my heart calms down. Then the gunfights occur accidentally and usually it's so close quarters that I can touch them.

    Then the weird thing is I kinda let them shoot first and they do shoot because they got startled or got intimidated with my well geared character.

    Then after I kill I don't stay and check the corpse but run away as far as I can. My mindset is he might have some buddies around.

    Purely survival lone wolf style.

  16. A good one is a magnesium fire starter. The fire from burning magnesium cannot get extinguished by water so maybe add it as a perk to be able to make campfires on a rainy weather if they will implement the effects of rain to kill a campfire if ignited only by matches.
