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CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

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Everything posted by CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

  1. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Why does everyone I run into kill me?

  2. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Why does everyone I run into kill me?

    Position is everything. If you take a look on FrankieonPCin1080p's videos you will see what "positioning" means. You are "running" into somebody that's why you are being KOSed.
  3. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Leap of Fai.... I mean Death!

    Has anyone tried going down a ladder when suddenly your character jumps out from the top and dies from the fall? Sometimes try character even jumps, hits the ground, then gets back in the climb ladder position but still dies. I lost a lot of good gear due to these. :'( It happened to me on Fire Station in Elektro North twice and the latest is on Kozlovka big rusty warehouse building.
  4. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Leap of Fai.... I mean Death!

    Actually the only way to escape the zombies right now is through the ladders but getting on top of the ladder and coming down can be tricky.
  5. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Pristine v.s. badly damaged

    The head torch doesn't seem to work if it is ruined. I made sure it has a working battery.
  6. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    How to not be killed on sight

    This is a good resource about basic soldiering: https://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/army/ranger.pdf
  7. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    How to not be killed on sight

    Avoid security violations. Always think about security whatever you do, even if you are picking up that can of beans on the floor. Pickup that beans facing the door and your weapon pointed to that direction also, not your back. Try to move prone behind windows when indoors so that it will be hard for you to be seen. A bonus technique for standalone: If you are going to stake out a place, position yourself from where the sun is shining to make it difficult for the enemy to spot you due to the sun's rays but be careful to conceal yourself enough that your silhouette is not obvious.
  8. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    How to not be killed on sight

    Research about some "long range patrolling" to learn how to enter, leave, steak out an area, cover and concealment then next is "close quarter battle" like how SWAT does it to learn how to clear a building, room, safely enter and get out. Learn some basic soldiering and you will be living a long time.
  9. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    combat logging: a constructive thread ?

    In the dayzmod, there is once a feature in a server that I can no longer recall which the combat logger's body gets automatically controlled by the AI and assumes a surrender position. That can be implemented i guess but the question is, the data which tells what items you have in your character, is that saved in your computer or in the server?
  10. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    I'm so lucky: I'm O+

    O positive is the most common blood type. AB negative is the most rare. What's your character's blood type?
  11. I would like to know what you guys say to another player that creates the MAXIMUM effect of compliance? Situation 1: You are alone and armed with a firearm and you surprised a survivor with a melee weapon: "Drop your weapon now! Drop it!" "I will give you five counts to drop that axe or I will open fire... 1!" Right now I give a count of 5 for them to put down their melee. I am thinking the time pressure will make them completely change their mind of doing anything funny. Situation 2: You are alone and armed with a firearm and you surprised a survivor with a firearm: I am thinking of doing the same thing like above but I am afraid a shoot out will come out eventually. Makes me think how do cops negotiate armed suspects when they are alone?
  12. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    I'm so lucky: I'm O+

    I will not die! lol
  13. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Help I need to calm down...!

    I do have ammo 30/30 stalag mags, 20/20 cmac and a few scattered inside my ammo tin box. Looks like having a lot of good gear makes me even more fearful to lose them but yeah, I don't like to shoot people if I know I have an advantage over them but I wonder what if the next one come in armed to the teeth like me? Would I be merciful? I forgot to add to my story that I told the guy to drop the axe in 5 seconds or I'll open fire. I was literally counting on direct chat.
  14. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    horses in dayz

    I hope the horses are free roaming then you will need to catch them, then "break" them before you could ride them like the old cowboys.
  15. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    How is your mental state? :-) [Future evolution of Dayz]

    You already hear voices in your head in this game. Those zombie shrieks and stuff even if they are not around. There's mental for you.
  16. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Locking doors with Rope or Handcuffs

    There is a military dorm with a prison cell. It will be perfect if you can really lock them up there using these things.
  17. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    I Stand Alone. This is my Story.

    Give it a try man! It's a lot more interesting than those old books you can find all over in Cherno. You will enjoy it I promise you! There is plenty of time to read in the apocalypse. I am currently making a Dayz based novel and this is just a sample of what I can do.
  18. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    I Stand Alone. This is my Story.

    Thanks for the beans! I wrote this very late at night and didn't have the time to polish it. So I apologize if there are sentence structure mistakes!
  19. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Lost All Gear When Changed Server?

    I got a fairly decent loot then when the server I am in lost communication, I went to another but it was only a black screen and the target reticle is frozen that only goes vertical up and down. I changed to another and BOOM I spawned at the sea shore with basic loot. All of my hardwork gone!
  20. I got a fairly decent loot then when the server I am in lost communication, I went to another but it was only a black screen and the target reticle is frozen that only goes vertical up and down. I changed to another server and BOOM I spawned at the sea shore with basic loot. All of my hardwork gone!
  21. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Did you Lost All Your Gear When You Changed Server?

    Damn Chrome made a double post. Hopefully the mods can delete that other thread. Yep. Alpha is alpha!
  22. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    DayZ VS DayZ Supporter Edition

    I am a supporter. But I havent received any Steam code. Is that out yet?
  23. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    day night cycle. and can opener ?

    I just found a can opener in those tall apartment complexes at the north of balota.
  24. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    SA Controls?

    Can anybody show me a list of controls to using SA? Google wont show me anything.
  25. CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

    Supporter edition?

    I am a supporter. Where is the DayZ Supporters Forums Lounge?