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Everything posted by Pplaliens

  1. Pplaliens


    Right there is the problem. At the development rate of this game it's going to take over a year or two to complete. By then it will be dead, and they know that. Look at the mod, it's STILL in alpha after years of development. They may have a team now but by the time they finish a better quality game will be released by someone else.
  2. Pplaliens


    No one has seemed to mention that Rocket has stated numerous times that standalone was to follow a similar pricing to that of Minecraft. When it was in alpha it was only $13 USD. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against paying the current price. It's just off to a bad start. He even said himself it would be about $10 USD when alpha is released and gradually increase until full release. (http://www.gamebreaker.tv/pc-games/dayz-standalone-pricing-model/)