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Everything posted by darwish

  1. darwish

    Find friend

    Heya, Me and a friend started playing Day Z but we've spent 45 minutes trying to find eachother now. Is there an easier way ? We don't know if we walk away from eachother or are on the same side of the island.. Need compas or map or something ;-)
  2. darwish

    Find friend

    Teemo, I understand that this is a explore/survival game, but if you don't have a map and you play this game for the first time without any direction and you want to play with a friend it gets kinda annoying if you can't find eachother because you have no clue if you walk away from eachother or are not even on the same track. With the map Steak and patatoes gave i at least have some direction of where i can go etc.
  3. darwish

    Find friend

    That is some usefull information. Thanks a lot Steak and Potatoes, the map will help indeed.
  4. darwish

    Find friend

    That didnt help at all, I want to play this game with a friend, and i probably will stop playing if its really that messed up.. The world is so big and its like impossible to know if you walk into the same direction or not.