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Everything posted by arbitrator

  1. arbitrator

    Is DayZ going to be on a Steam sale?

    It literally just released, so no. Don't hold your breath. I'd say 10% at the maximum.
  2. arbitrator

    No loot, or do I just suck?

    I made my way in land, searched towns throughly, nothing. Eventually, I came across some poor sod. Mosin, bullets, shotgun shells, hoodie, backpack, canteen, can opener, hand cuffs, loads of foot. Just lying dead. No zombies around either. I assume the poor sod died of thirst. I like that things are more scarce, but I can understand how the appeal of running around and constantly dying of thirst gets old. I imagine once the wells get fixed that might improve though.
  3. arbitrator

    Add a Food/Drink/Blood meter please

    I'm torn with regards to meters. On one hand, removing UI elements is something I can only agree with. It helps my immersion, it feels more like ArmA and less like... well, just about everything else. On the other, I would IRL have a constant nagging feeling of thirst. Not just little blips of it either, but a consistent, dry, mouth. I thought the icons used in the mod worked well to this effect. Hm, perhaps one way it could work is that when you're "full" or "fully quenched" you see no UI elements. The bar/symbol/whatever only kicks in when you as a person would begin to notice it; when you're hungry, thirsty, etc. The 'icon' gradually increases in depth so you see it much more clear and presently, whilst if you've only got a bit of a thirst it's barely visible, but there if you look for it.
  4. I also don't seem to be able to fill my canteen at a well I also encounter the drinking error from.
  5. Browsing the Steam store.
  6. arbitrator

    Confirmed: Dean Hall is a madman.

    New video game encourages children to ritually commit suicide. More at 11.
  7. arbitrator

    Always remember the DayZ Mod

    So, is ArmA Mufasa?