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Everything posted by witherfield

  1. The new beta patch for Arma2OA has implemented an alternative method of handling tone mapping. It seems quite inconsistent and unrealistic/not authentic. The degree at which the gamma is dimmed across the board depending on where you're looking and where you're standing is unsettling to me. Some might agree, some might not. Just putting this out there. You be the judge. Here is the issue: http://imgur.com/a/sX5MB Here is an example fix: http://imgur.com/a/GUCmZ Another pronounced example of the issue: http://imgur.com/a/5SVTB (Late dusk). Another, less pronounced example of the issue: http://imgur.com/a/UBQUT (Early dusk). I realize that this is most likely not a DayZ issue, so I've reproduced this post on the BI forums.
  2. witherfield

    Melee Weapon Petition

    YOU don't want hack and slash. Every other zombie apocalypse anything has melee in it.
  3. witherfield

    What's the point in trying?

    Trying IS the point.
  4. YES. It's worth experimenting with.
  5. witherfield

    Beta causes Stuck Loading Screen?

    You either have to roll back to the 93701 patch, or just wait for the 93825 patch to get sorted out with the mainserver ( I think it takes a few hours after beta patch release before DayZ accommodates it )
  6. witherfield

    Error with the latest patch! 93285

    93825, you mean? I'm just getting the loading-forever screen after having clicked OK in the lobby.
  7. witherfield

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    That's not the servers having custom settings. Whenever there's no moon now, it'll be PITCH BLACK. This all due to the new Beta patch for Arma 2 (93616 and up, i believe) where they tweaked tone mapping for the worse.
  8. witherfield

    What is a Carebear?

    It's a blanket term put on anyone who isn't has hardcoreXXcoolguy as oneself. It's the new "noob!". For instance I'm a prime candidate for Carebearism because I don't find nights in this mod desirable, even though I don't shy away from pvp (in this or any other game) or whine about any other ingame mechanic.
  9. witherfield

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    If even cloudy nights were as bright as a moonlit night I might consider playing when it's night. As it stands now the realism is really tearing into the gameplay. I love everything about this mod EXCEPT the pitch black nights. Surely a compromise can be found? At least let me be able to barely make out individual trees and stuff so I can navigate without being a beacon through use of flares/chemlights/flashlights. There is simply nothing stealthy about being forced to use these items when the alternative is not being able to see anything but the sky. imo the game was solid at night with 1.2 gamma and 1.3 brightness. Though I admit to maxing both sliders out because I could (would be great if the values I suggested were the max). But of course. I'm a carebear in the eyes of the ones who think these nights are realistic. So I should just DEAL WITH IT or gtfo? I just might do the latter, which is a little sad for me -- as this is shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played, and it gets ruined by purists that have an extremely selective idea of what realism is. And no I don't want to play on a daytime server all the time. Night is my favorite when it's not pitch black. :/
  10. This would greatly reduce the wonkiness and disconnectedness that sometimes plague the feel of your character. The only downside is probably the barrel of your gun clipping through thin walls -- I could live with that, personally. : )
  11. They already mentioned why changing it away from a 24hr cycle isn't feasible on this engine.
  12. witherfield

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    "An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind" - some sappy fellow.
  13. witherfield


    Don't worry. Servers won't be congested during night time, as the sane people (which get grouped with the carebears for some reason) do not enjoy pitch black games.
  14. A game that forces you to avoid it when certain in-game conditions are in effect is a bad game. in before "IT'S REALISTIC!" / "IT'S A SIMULATOR!". They are simply not applicable retorts at this point, seeing how unrealistic the game is already.
  15. Chems are virtually useless. Flares don't really work that well either. Make flashlights more common and let us carry it in addition to sidearm?
  16. Reduce your graphics settings. Turn down/off Post processing, Turn down/off Anti-aliasing, Turn down Object detail, Turn down Shadows. Some games are more optimized than others, and you're going to have to accept reduction in graphics in order to get a steady 60. Experiment with the settings until you find a compromise between FPS and visuals.
  17. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Added another example: http://imgur.com/a/5SVTB
  18. witherfield

    Why is the life expectancy going up?

    Isn't it due to people playing less frequently? Maybe they don't log on for days before dying. Or is the alive-time only counting the online-time that life? edit: totallyRebb beat me to it.
  19. Could do that too, of course. Gotta get them delicious eyeballs!
  20. What about having crows circle above the corpse of a player that was killed by another player/bandit? "The Crows over Cherno" Made this suggestion in the 20wordsorless thread, but it probably drowned :)
  21. witherfield

    Capture points and squads.

    Isn't this a bit much for the small scale communities on the ~50 player servers? Don't get me wrong I kind of like the idea, but this seems more like something that would fit more into an mmo version of this game (which is being talked about).
  22. What you could do is have crows fly around places people have recently been killed by other players. 2-3 crows circling above a corpse at about 50 meters?