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Everything posted by witherfield

  1. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    I use six-launcher to jump between versions. All the 93616, 93666 and 93701 servers I've found have this tonemapping issue. The 93586 ones are normal. Here's the BI thread discussing the change: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135667-Improved-tone-mapping-for-1-61-proposal
  2. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Here is the current issue: http://imgur.com/a/sX5MB Here is how it could look: http://imgur.com/a/GUCmZ *Updated the original post with these links, in case you're confused why you're seeing the same pic as in the original post.
  3. NO Until melee weapons/fists are implemented, this is just an unnecessary annoyance.
  4. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Yeah. Hopefully Arma 3 has a proper lighting engine. The one they have in Arma 2 seems a bit slapdash (no offense BI!)
  5. witherfield

    Message to the Sounddesigner!

    He should totally steal Team Fortress 2 Heavy Weapons Guy's eating sound. SO DELICIOUS HAHAHA!
  6. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    I tip my hat to you sir' date=' i was really expecting this thread to digress into a massive complaint thread, but you made your point, heard the points from others, and came to the conclusion ''I guess I'll either adapt or get out'', even with my, at times pedantic and hostile reply's :) i hope when i find something don't like i'd be as open minded as you, i say this with the up-most sincerity If i find some NVG's, there all yours mate i salute you [/quote'] hehe, thanks mate :) Yeah no point in reacting emotionally to something like this. I understand the viewpoints of both sides in this matter, as I'm a gamma warrior that has been hoping for a fix to the gamma-warrior issue. However I'll remain hopeful that there will be a middle ground down the road where we CAN have a bit less 'pitch black' without being able to enhance it with pulling sliders in options. Still my gripe with daytime dynamic light is probably not going to change no matter how many deal-with-it's i get ^^ Another and more pronounced example: http://imgur.com/a/GtYzu -- You'd think it'd be the other way around, no?
  7. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    It's a bit too radical for me to do what PeteOfButcherBay is hinting towards... :) I guess I'll either adapt or get out.
  8. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    So you're down with not seeing at all unless flares are flying everywhere, or you have the sub-1% droprate nvg's? Surely there could be a compromise; a way to remove the possibility of gamma warriors, but leave the possibility of actually seeing during a clear night... No need to be so either/or!
  9. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    If the stars and the moon had proper light-source properties the problem would be solved. If it's a cloudy night, then sure; hit me with your blackest black...
  10. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Yep. I live out in the forest, and it's perfectly possible to navigate during night-time. I'm pretty sure the guys who love the unrealistic pitchblackness have never been outside of a city in their life :P
  11. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Honestly I was hoping for the night-time to be dark even for us gamma-warriors, but this massive difference in brightness depending on where you're looking during daytime caught me off guard. If it's the price we have to pay for a realistic night (im not sure nights should be THAT dark, but hey), so be it. But if it can be tweaked, please see if it's possible to tone it down (i realize i should probably have posted this on BI's forum, as the beta patches aren't really dayz).
  12. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Time to whip out the flares then. :/
  13. witherfield

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Do ya really need to use the 666-update? Because it screwed up dynamic lighting: http://imgur.com/a/UBQUT
  14. witherfield

    Dynamic lighting has gone screwy

    Fixed that overly dramatic statement. :) How nice of you to chime in!
  15. Me and my mates haven't touched the game for days because of this. It's a shame. But it's kind of nice to have a break from something I've been playing super-hard for weeks Still, please fix soonish!