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Everything posted by Buddhajca

  1. Buddhajca

    Loot respawn?

    Well what? Lol jk but seriously, a number of things can be happening such as: 1) You're connecting into the server right in the middle of town which causes the loot to disappear. 2) There's a chance the server might be bugged. 3) Somethings wrong with your client but I think this one is very unlikely. Try connecting into other servers away from the towns and hopefully this'll resolve your issue.
  2. Buddhajca

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Fifteen seconds is too long. I would say no more than 11 seconds. Haha I enjoy your witty comments ;)
  3. Buddhajca

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Err isn't that already in the loot tables? Or am I just a derp face?
  4. Buddhajca

    should there be regular resets on characters

    For the love of god, let this forum die. No point in arguing as the OP will clearly dismiss all your feedback and he's well within his rights because it's his idea and opinion. You will never be able to change that, so just accept it. The DayZ Staff have already gave their opinion on it and it's very clear that this will never even be considered to be implemented into the mod so stop replying and move on. The OP isn't putting a gun to your head and forcing you to give your two cents that no one gives any fucks about because it ain't worth shit. There's no need to go to war over ideas just because you think his ideas are lesser than yours. So just let this pointless forum die and do not give it the attention that it wants and does not deserve.
  5. I think I speak for everyone when I say: No