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AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

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About AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

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  1. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    Getting the Beta Patch
  2. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    Is there a message coming up saying why you couldnt join?
  3. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    im downloading them they are taking a long time to download though. So I'll just unistall six launcher then finsih the rest of the downloads and post on this thread when I'm done and whether they work or not
  4. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    ok, but waht should i do with six launcher?
  5. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    so use a swe mirror?
  6. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    I got Six Launcher and when ever I try joining a server it just freezes on wait for host screen
  7. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    Ok I will try that. Thanks
  8. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    i have 1.7.0 dont have the beta patch haven't played DayZ yet. Anthing else?
  9. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Cannot connect to servers

    When ever I try to connect to a server, I get to the lobby then click ok, a loading screen comes up then i get sent back to the server list. What do I need to do?
  10. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Problem with connecting (bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons'.')

    i also tried running it as an admin
  11. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)

    Problem with connecting (bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons'.')

    i did that and it got rid of the "No entry..." message, but it still froze at reciving data then returns me to the serverlist/main menu. any other help?
  12. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)


    i do then it takes me to the server selection screen what do i need to do to start playing?
  13. AndyPandy44 (DayZ)


    When ever i try to join a server i get to the lobby i push ok then this pops up. 'bin\config.bin/cfgweapons' does any one have some help on what i need to do?