**(The pictures give a good summary of the idea if you CBA to read because this is rather lengthy :S)** After watching Rockets live streams and hearing his comments on the current stats system, I got thinking about ways that this could be displayed so it fitted in with the rest of the work the team has done, displayed everything you needed easily but was still not too immersion breaking. I came up with an idea very similar to the current inventory system and could use much of the code used already which would help make implementing it easier. This is just a rough outline of the idea and expect Rocket, the rest of the dev team and you guys could come up with some better ideas. You would access this by pressing the "H" key. Straight away you would be confronted by this screen. http://i.imgur.com/HTwGiTm.png This has your inventory on the right where you can select and move items as in the inventory screen, a model of your current player (posed for easier access) and an image of the currently selected item. That is all the same as in the standard inv-screen, however this has two extra sections, the top left section displays everything you can currently feel. After all, as humans we know when we are hungry, thirsty or tired without having to do a test, this means it displays all the stats that currently appear on the side of the screen and I would imagine that these would also continue to appear as well as this menu. The bottom left section would show stats of the selected organ/limb/body part. To find this greater depth of information you would need to "inspect" that organ by left clicking on the respective part of the player model, it will then conduct a short animation as your character looks over this body part to find out its status, such as if it is bleeding. This means that inspecting yourself would make you vulnerable for a short period of time meaning you have to be careful when doing so as you could fall victim to a zombie or player. http://i.imgur.com/IVAiAa8.png There would be 7 parts that you could chose from; the head, both arms and legs, chest and abdomen. Each of these would have separate stats so one arm could be bleeding and not the other. I don't believe this would be too difficult to implement as there is already a system to detect where a zed hits you as it need to determine where you will bleed from and so this could be re-purposed for this use. http://i.imgur.com/IVAiAa8.png After you have inspected the body parts and the animation has played, you will be given the detailed stats of that part and whether or not anything is wrong with it. If there is then you need to fix it and this system works just like the inv-screen, you drag the item onto the body part you want to use it on. So you eat pills, bandage a leg or morphine and splint an arm. http://i.imgur.com/e9j2abO.png After this you would then see the body part get better and then the stats change to show this. This means that if you are in a fire fight and get hit, you will have to find where the bleeding is, then bandage it to stop it, making it a more meaningful choice as to when to do it compared to the current 5 seconds of downtime. However, you could either have a friend point out where you are bleeding ad not bother inspecting as you don't need to and it isn't required to fix it (you might just select the wrong place and waste a bandage). This would also help you to determine what illness you have as many have a large variety of symptoms that you can experience. So you would get a quick warning about feeling ill so you would open the menu to investigate. http://i.imgur.com/mLgTY1w.png You can see you feel ill so you inspect your abdomen to find out that nothing is wrong, except being a little peckish. http://i.imgur.com/BTxOout.png you then inspect your head to find you have a fever and a headache, this leads you to presume that it is just influenza and nothing too terrible. http://i.imgur.com/1YfvJZh.png So you take pills to fix it using the menu as before. http://i.imgur.com/rzzfZVw.png After you have taken them, you can see your stats change. You may not instantly get better as diseases don't instantly go away completely, however if you have used the right drug it should clear away eventually. This system would work on other players as well, this means that you could inspect another player to help diagnose, bandage or blood bag them. This is just a quick idea I had to help display your current stats in a helpful way and wonder what people's opinions are on this. EDIT User Target Practice suggested that the system might be too cumbersome to be of an real use, and that if you got shot in the leg, you would know that you had been shot and not have to root around finding out where. To help with this, maybe the body parts of your player model could be shaded red to show that they are bleeding as you would be able to feel this without looking (they could even be shaded a deeper red for how fast you are losing blood). The inspection feature could be used to find more info about your injuries or remain as before when inspecting other players. The extra info about your injuries could be exactly how much blood you are losing, any other smaller injuries that you may not notice and could get worse (such as slight fractures that could become full blown breaks if you run too much or damaged tendons that could snap rendering you immobile). http://i.imgur.com/oRfYq8d.png http://i.imgur.com/zWyqWjy.png