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Everything posted by Sleuthberger

  1. Sleuthberger


    Yeah, I were playing there with some friends and a guy showed up playing music in an SUV, told us to hop in and we drove around for a while. We were driving through a town and the Admin group started shooting at us and when he got out and killed them, we all got banned. They were calling him out for hacking the vehicle in and who knows, he probably did. However they banned all the rest of us (group of 5 if memory serves) for hacking too.
  2. Sleuthberger


    Hey, so i installed Battle Royale a while ago and was kinda hyped to test it for the first time. Problem is though, i am banned. Reason being: Banned by DaRTBans (DaRT) Heres my ingame name and GUID: [FAP] Moriarty, 5b4a6ed375d7757398680a8ae16af90a Thanks in advance! I hope to get playing soon :D