Started playing a two weeks ago or so due to my old server I played on getting torn apart by bad admins.. All of the extensions to the server are great and compliment Epoch. But I am lonely! If this server got populated I am sure everyone would enjoy it but until then the AI provides enough challenge for me when I am not building on my dirty old shack. Got the highest zombies kills though at the moment according to their website in the stats section. Been able to get a pretty good foundation to build on I know I seen plenty of great spots unused since I haven't found anyone else's base yet. :( The people who do play on the server won't mess around with you at your base and they all move around and not just sit in a certain area or in their base. I love the newest funny mission which is a psycho escaped the hospital wielding an axe :lol: Its a promising server with all of the features I personally want in epoch or in general so I hope at least one person will give it a chance.