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About StevieMJH

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone interested in helping out someone in need? I'm on the coast and stuck infinitely unconscious, I could use either an epi-pen and a transfusion or a quick bullet to the head so I can actually play the game. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks! Add me on Steam if you can: StevieMJH. Edit: I'm near Priogordky. I can join any server but you'll have to look around on the coast for an unconscious person. I've got nothing to keep so if you don't want to waste an epi on me, just give me a quick death.
  2. I just respawned after getting killed point-blank by a guy with a DMR, now I get to sit here and wait for someone to happen across my unconscious body?
  3. I just ran into the body of an item hacker on US 2204 on Skalisky island. I swam there randomly because I've never bothered to go there and I wanted to know if anybody hid any camps or anything there, etc. His name was "Don't Shoot Im Friendly!" and I checked the server and there is currently a person on the server with the same name. His body had a G36K and a PDW-SD with one MG36 mag and 2 PDW-SD mags. Video incoming. I realize this doesn't really constitute proof of anything, but it at least gives the admin of this server the notice that he should look over his logs at around the time that I posted this thread. As I type this, the person who had this gear on his body is still in the server. Edit: He also had a Mk12 SPR in his backpack.
  4. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just got a blood transfusion from Skirata up north by Berezino, and he gave me an L85 and an AS50 as well! Thanks, man!
  5. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Nevermind, I relogged and now I'm on the coast at Komarovo, I may as well just die I guess, but I don't want to lose my Ghillie.
  6. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone able to assist me in Zelenogorsk? I have a broken leg and need morphine.
  7. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I ran into the ol' inventory clearing glitch and I ran into a zombie who broke my leg in one hit. Stuck in Zelenogorsk and I need morphine. Thanks. I'll be here or on Steam. Again.
  8. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I got fixed up, guys, don't need help anymore.
  9. StevieMJH

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Same for me. I logged out and logged back in to get some help from a friend of mine in a different server. Lost NVGs, Rangefinders, Coyote Backpack, Mk 48 Mod 0, M9SD. Everything other than my primary inventory and my secondary inventory. I'm not sure what this last update did but it seems like it's ruining everything.
  10. StevieMJH

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Same for me. I logged out and logged back in to get some help from a friend of mine in a different server. Lost NVGs, Rangefinders, Coyote Backpack, Mk 48 Mod 0, M9SD. Everything other than my primary inventory and my secondary inventory. I'm not sure what this last update did but it seems like it's ruining everything.
  11. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey guys, I just got absolutely demolished by a zombie that I didn't know was chasing me. I alt-tabbed for a moment to send someone a message and then got one-hit KO'd and while I was down he had a lovely feast on me, so I'm at 1.2k blood. I managed to hide my ass in a deerstand. If someone can help me out, I would be much obliged. Steam or here, I'll be paying attention to both! Thank you!
  12. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone needs help in the southern area of Chernarus, please add me on Steam, I'm helping a lot of people lately and I won't be reading this thread often. Thank you.
  13. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm closer than that, I'm already right outside Cherno for when he logs back on. Message me when you get on, Studio, I'm the Stevie that just added you on Steam.
  14. StevieMJH

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me on Steam, I have antiobiotics and a blood bag to help.