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Everything posted by Mopp_94

  1. Mopp_94

    Just a quick question about Visibility

    As in, a lower res on my screen will make people more visible? U wot
  2. Mopp_94

    Just a quick question about Visibility

    FoV is still at default, I tried making it lower, didn't help alot, did offer some clarity but its an overall disadvantage so I reverted it
  3. Mopp_94

    Just a quick question about Visibility

    I know the bug you're referring to, but its not the problem im having haha
  4. Mopp_94

    More hidden storyline to be explored..

    Fantastic Idea, adding more and more stories throughout the games life is brilliant, although it'll likely be a while before we see anything come of it if anything at all. But that's fine, im in for the long haul haha
  5. Mopp_94

    Intel HD Graphics

    It'll run, but likely not well. I am aware that the 4000 series is quite powerful in its own right, but the performance cost of DayZ combined with its lack of good optimization at this stage in development will likely cause you to have Issues. Obviously I'd say the same anyone would and advise you investing in a dedicated video card before picking up the game.
  6. Mopp_94

    Teleportation and loss of control

    Exactly the same thing happened to me twice on Tuesday. Took me from just east of electro back to Kamyshovo where I spawned. I was forced to Alt +F4
  7. Mopp_94

    Were can I find a mosin?

    The most common place ive seen them personally, is in the burnt our cars you can find around cities. Im sure they spawn in barns and some residential areas too, but this is just what I have noticed.
  8. I dont think it seems realistic to have old'ern day weapons appear in these ruins as they would've been excavated along time ago as KoS pointed out. And again, I agree with his Idea that having in a collectors house, or a museum is a good Idea. Also, loot does spawn in the castles but its bugged atm. If you stand in the bottom of the tower and look up, it will spawn underneath the floor, unable to pick up as of yet, but its there.
  9. Mopp_94

    More hidden storyline to be explored..

    I like this Idea. Could possibly be expanded on by having multiple storylines? I.e, The story of what happened to this family from Guglovo can be different to the story of what happened to this family from Kamyshovo? Would add more depth to discovering the past of people that could potentially be roaming the streets now undead. I think only having one story would be an issue because as soon as it is discovered, what else is there? Everything will be posted to here/youtube/wherever as it is found and then once its all found they'll be nothing left. Just a thought.
  10. I actually really like this idea. Would add an entire new atmos to the game that I feel is needed. I agree that the entire place seems a little too 'clean' at the moment.
  11. Mopp_94

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    This again. Are these bitches serious?
  12. Mopp_94

    Combat logging

    I like the cut of your jib, but you seem quite cynical.
  13. Mopp_94

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    Shame im so bad or else I might be able to correct some of the many flaws in your comment but I guess not D:
  14. Mopp_94

    Direct Communication Distance

    I actually like this idea.
  15. Mopp_94

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    Re-Read my comment.
  16. Mopp_94

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    Combat logging and ghosting is bad. But arrogance is bar far one of the worst human traits. Therefore fuck you, and your thread. Your ego is so large it wouldn't surprise me if you just lost the guy you were shooting at and someone else came up behind you and shot, seeing as you have no proof whatsoever that he actually logged. Also im pretty sure that anyone who was a "DayZ master" would know that blasting at a guy in a forest at distance from one of the biggest towns on the coast is a crappy play regardless. EDIT : I now realize that this guy is most likely a troll. If so im leaving my response anyway because im interested to see what response it gauges.
  17. Mopp_94

    Direct Communication Distance

    I'd like a more accurate representation too to be honest, me and some friends were following a guy out of elektro yesterday and trying to call out to him over mic. He cant of been any further than around 70-100 metersish away but he wasn't replying or responding at all
  18. Mopp_94

    Fix (not remove) Third Person Perspective

    I dont have a problem with 1PP only, or 3PP only, or mixed players. But I dont think one side should be shunned because some people dont like the other. I dont see the problem with having 1PP only servers and 3PP only server and mixed. (So that 3PP can still ADS). I just think having separate servers solves this problem and IMHO no further action needs to be taken.
  19. Mopp_94

    Stream Bandits.

    You'll notice that smart streamers, dont get stream sniped.
  20. Sorry... why does that make him a douche?
  21. I wouldn't mind less military, or more scattered, but they need more res weapons aswell
  22. This is the first user Idea that ive read and really really liked the sound of. Ive always thought they need to make zeds more of a threat and this seems like a smart way of doing it. Shooting zeds has always been something people try to avoid, I like the idea of there being something other than a person in the cross-hairs of people for once. This also sounds like it would reduce KoS mentality, if people had more of an objective. But then of course people that have been to the dangerous AF's getting killed by a coast scrub would be incredibly frustrating. Although I suppose its their own fault. Hmmmm Still I like the idea so far, you have my beans sir!
  23. No ones saying you should. If you want to you do. Other points that hold relevance are that 1. The SA will go up in price as it becomes closer to full release. 2. The final version WILL perform better and will have more content than the mod. 3. Now that the SA version is out, support for the mod will slowly falter, due to the small size of the team. TL;DR Don't get it if you dont want to. No ones making you.
  24. Not the worst Idea ive heard, but still, I dont think this would detriment people at all tbh, 1.5 seconds of disruption every half an hour? And that's not me saying "Make it happen more often" either. I just dont think it would work well.
  25. I think its add a nice balance to the coast, makes it a lil bit more dangerous, plus they'll be more reasons to head north when more content comes Crashed heli's and more militarized vehicles are both good starts.