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Everything posted by Mopp_94

  1. That's a hell of alot of stuff, and so soon fer the last patch! This is fantastic. Is coming along much quicker than I expected.
  2. Lol, NEAF is 10 minutes sprint away, man the fuck up and stop killing yourself. Loot isn't supposed to be easy to get.
  3. Mopp_94

    Crazy Desyncissues

    Hello Everyone I was just wondering if since installing the latest patch any else has been suffering horrendous Desync issues like I have? It was never this bad before said patch. As it stands, I go on DayZ, join a server, and have to stand around for about 15-20 minutes before I sync up properly. This has never happened before so Im not sure what could be causing it. I would Imply that it was my broadband but I can play other games fine without issue. Just a general wondering if any had any advice :) - Mopp
  4. Mopp_94

    no more alphas for me

    No offence dude, but no one here gives a shit what you're gonna play or not. If you're interested in a game, not supporting it because a different games alpha had a shitty start is just ass backwards.
  5. Mopp_94

    High Five

    Why is everyone hating on this suggestion? its good for the future. He didn't demand it right now. Y'all need to chill out.
  6. Mopp_94

    Can anybody help me / Steam issues.

    I had the same issue, on 60 MB/s last night, it happens on alot of steam games, for me at least,. I assume its due to the high number of people downloading the patch all at once, just give it time. I might be wrong, but its worth a try right?
  7. dude ive been using steam since I was 14! (Thats 6 years now :P) and ive never had a single problem with it! Nothing that couldn't be easily solved anyway :(
  8. Mopp_94

    I just think the blood system needs to go...

    You couldnt be more wrong considering this factor is one of DayZ main integral features that has been in it since day 1 and is never gonna be removed. You're entitled to your opinion of not liking them thats fine, but they're ever gonna get removed, jus saiyan.
  9. Its as simple as joining a certain server. Not hard. Not everyone uses it to look over walls, stop being a pompous presumptuous ass.
  10. Mopp_94

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Right, I see your point now, and I understand where you're coming from. Sounds abit 'Elitist' but that's just my opinion.
  11. Mopp_94

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    I think you're confusing opinion with fact there bubdy. Im gonna stop posting now cus me and you are not gonna get along either way if you keep calling me and my friends 'scum'
  12. Mopp_94

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Im sorry what? I think the 3rd person player base are the people playing 3rd person mode so uh... yeah.
  13. Mopp_94

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    Im not saying anything about opinions, if you prefer a play style that different to mine and that's your opinion, that's fine. Im saying I dont think its right to insult someone for playing the game they way they want. After alot of people from this site say that's what dayz is about, and then they go slating someone for playing 1st/3rd person just because they dont like it? That doesn't seem fair to me is all. Fair enough OP likes to play on 1PP only servers, that's fine, I just dont think its fair to call people that play on 1:PP/3:PP servers things like "Scum" just for playing the way they want to. Is that really hard to understand?
  14. Mopp_94

    How i learn to love 3rd person

    "I do this and anyone that does anything different is a fucking scrub" So bored of these kind of threads. This community blows a dick man. Just play the game the way you want, ignore other that slate you for it and stop slating others for doing so.
  15. Mopp_94


    Thank you my friend
  16. Mopp_94


    Sounds interesting, any chance you could point me in the right direction?
  17. Bitch please that shit could buy 4 Maccy D's. Nearly.
  18. Mopp_94


    This wasn't in the patch notes (as far as Im aware), either the devs are putting stuff in un-noted as a surprise, or that guy was talking out of his ass.
  19. Mopp_94

    Why some people even do play DayZ ?

    This game was not made specifically for "Role Playing" It was made for people to play it the way THEY want to, hence "Sandbox" You dont like it? Tough shit to be frank. People always have, are and will play this way, get used to it.
  20. Mopp_94

    Bootcamp controls not working

    Dat relevant useful post. Edit: I hate Mac's as much as the next guy, but this was uncalled for and pointless.
  21. Mopp_94

    Any good Standalone YouTubers?

    All this frankie... Eeewwwwwwwwwwwww
  22. Yeah Im not saying the weather should be crappy ALL the time cus that wouldnt be authentic either. I guess it'll change alot when they implement the weather system.
  23. Your input is almost never constructive. On topic : He's just suggesting ways to make the map seem bleaker (to begin with) which I think it needs, it dosnt feel enough like the end of the world atm imo.