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About jesse1379@gmail.com

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  1. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Server list not populating

    I have the same problem for some odd reason. Although its not DayZ's fault. I learned after quite a while of trouble shooting that for some reason everyday before I log into the game I have to unplug my router and then back in again before playing. It also does this to me in other online games as well. Try it out you never know.
  2. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Well this is just fu*king creepy

    That was the perfect mixture of creepy and funny. Instant DayZ classic.
  3. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Bloodhound Zombies

    Yeah I was fortunate enough to be in a military location once when they rebooted the servers. I had all of the best loot with m4, silencer, scope, etc. Was a lot of fun.
  4. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Bloodhound Zombies

    I'm loving the game and all but I just cant deal with these damn zombies that see or hear you from a mile away then track you down no matter how far you go. They literally follow your exact path until they catch up to you. And with no melee weapon it a real PITA. Which leads me to my next gripe. The battle mechanics/physics seem so sloppy. Its almost like being in one of those bad dreams where you cant move fluidly or hit where you want to. The striking mechanics need to be more precise and feel like when you aim at something that you will actually hit it. It just all feels very clunky. I know I know..its alpha. Hopefully it will get there soon.
  5. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Suicide Button?

  6. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Suicide Button?

    I BROKE MY LEGS?? HAHAHAHA! I had no idea.... that's funny as hell. I was crawling around like a moron for almost an hour.
  7. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Suicide Button?

    I like the way they feel against my skin.
  8. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Suicide Button?

    Im a noob so can I just ask. Is there a suicide button I don't know about. I had a glitch earlier today after I jumped off a set of barn stairs and every time I tried to walk or run my guy would drop into prone and only be able to crawl. I had to let him starv to death which took freakin forever and was a pain in tha ass. If theres not there SHOULD be some kind of suicide button to get you out of alpha type glitches. BTW, I literally crawled in my panties all the way across half the damn map since it was the only way I could move. Don't laugh...
  9. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Has This Happened To Anyone Else??

    The strangest and most irritating thing has happened. I have been playing just fine for the first time today for about 4 hours. Got a massive amount of great loot from M4,ammo, suppressor, bipod, etc. Anyway im headed towards those big buildings that loom over everything else in the distance when Im passing through a kind of small farm town that is one the way. I encounter a zombie on the other side of fence and initiate an attack on it when all the sudden everything except the bare ground disappears....I mean NOTHING but im still alive, have all my gear...but nothing except the base desert looking terrain is left. So log out and log back in no less than 10 times hoping this would somehow fix itself. Now its spawned me in the middle of the ocean and it took me like a half hour to swim back to land. Still nothing but base desert terrain?? I cant kill my self to see if starting a new player will fix it, so now im just letting my guy starve to death. Hopefully it brings me back when I respawn with a new guy. Is this a reported bug, or has it happened to anyone else?
  10. jesse1379@gmail.com

    My First DayZ Kill (Standalone)

    Watching videos like this make want to play sooo bad but I still have two hours of download time left. ARghh!!!!
  11. jesse1379@gmail.com

    blood type is pretty stupid

    Point taken. After I get a few hours under my belt I am sure that my feeling would be the same too. At any rate as someone who has had to suffer throught WarZ aka ISS game I will be happy if just the hackers are kept at bay. Sounds like they have really gone out of their way with the MMO architecture to make it harder to hack.
  12. jesse1379@gmail.com

    blood type is pretty stupid

    At some point the complexity and stress of having to worry about 500 different variables to keep stable and survive becomes .... well...unfun. There needs to be a happy medium found in which the noobs like me who jump in and play have some sort of chance without rage quiting as well as satisfying the more experienced vets who have been playing for years. To me it is obvious that many aspects of this game need to be made slightly more forgiving or taken out completely ie the blood types. I know I will get some who disagree but this is just my opinion as a first time player.
  13. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    Huh...? I never uploaded a photo of myself. How did it get on here. I just made a profile to make one comment. :huh:
  14. jesse1379@gmail.com

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    I admittedly have never even played DayZ but have been hugely anticipating the release of the SA because I LOVE zombie genre games. I am almost ashamed to admit that I also am hugely addicted to WarZ aka Infestation Survivor Stories and have been a part of that game since the beginning. Sometimes I think I am one of the very few who have never hacked in that game. I later came to find out that most if not all of my clan mates lowered themselves to hacking in that game as well. The hacking is more tolerable now than it ever has been but one thing remains the same. The absolute greed and refusal to listen to the community when it comes to hammer point/Arktos . It is so painful to see a game that had so much potential be ruined by hastily released content, poor decision making in general by devs/management. It has been absolutely excruciating to love a game yet hate it so much as I have come to with WarZ. My point here is to really appreciate how good you have it with a dev team that values stability, and a working non broken game over just the desire to release a broken half working product for the sake of making money and caving into the impatient demands of the hot heads in the community. Absolutely cannot wait to play this game ROcket! When it comes I know it will be at the very least a genuine attempt at making an amazing mod an even more amazing game.