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Everything posted by nighhawk

  1. nighhawk

    WarZ all over again

    You're wrong. There are hackers. I sat outside the airport and started hearing lots of gunshots. I started to look around and saw the muzzle flash of an m4 behind the hangars. I stayed still for about 3 minutes, looking for some movement and nothing (the shots came from behind a tree). After waiting a while, I was randomly teleported, and I thought it was just some kind of gltch. There was at least 1 other player in the spot along with 7-8 zombies all huddled together. I immediately left to avoid death by the other player and zombies. I joined back into another server and I looked around and realized I was in the exact spot that I had just watched the guy shooting from. Right behind the hangars.
  2. There are some pretty bad glitches in dayz. We have all experienced the glitches. But before you post complaining about something as minor as gun accuracy, lets think about something much worse. Hackers. To those of you who have not seen it, its there, don't worry. So which is more important? Gun accuracy or some of the major security issues?
  3. I agree with you, but the developers listen to the community, and if the community is yelling fix the security issues with the servers, they will most likely fix it asap, but if the community is yelling fix the m4, they will probably focus more on the m4.Btw I do not think I titled the thread "HACKERZ ARE EVURYWHERE",
  4. nighhawk

    just a rant; no value.

    To those who don't server hop: Did you know that loot takes a very long tine to respawn? Did you know that most of the time near spawns the citys are already looted? Did you know that there's no other way to get around all that without server hopping or running for 15 minutes.
  5. nighhawk

    PvP slider

    When we complain about the KoS gameplay style, were not talking about shooting somebody who has a gun or an ax or is running towards you. We are refering to those who kill freshspawns or anyone without any way to defend theirselves. Holding up soneone and feeding them dysinfectant is not "surviving"
  6. nighhawk


    So I was sitting outside an airport watching for people when I suddenly began hearing gunshots. I began looking around and noticed a muzzle flash coming from behind the hangers. I sat and waited and heard more gunshots and they stopped. A few minutes later I was teleported and I left as soon as i could. When I joined back into the game in a different server and looked around, I realized I was in the exact spot that I saw the muzzle flash coming from. I am absolutely sure that this was hacks and NOT a glitch. Is there any way I can track what server i was in or figure out exactly what server I was in or who it was? Also is there a way I can report this? Edit: This occurred around 11:33 Eastern Standard Time if that helps.
  7. nighhawk

    Weapon and Ammunition Rarity (Discussion)

    Thats probably because people like me who already have a pistol go around collecting all the ammo :)
  8. nighhawk

    [Glitch] Getting DayZ Standalone for free

    Well i was definetly expecting something else. This will probably be place in the graveyard soon.
  9. nighhawk

    Intrusion Alert From Twitch IP Addresses

    This is an issue with twitch. Not DayZ
  10. nighhawk

    Unable to pinpoint where gunfire is coming from?

    If there are multiple shots, try freelooking around using the number pad until you can find the exact middle of where the gunshots are. for example, if a guy was at my 3 oclock, I press 9 and the sound is to my right, I press 3 and the sound is to my left. Sorry if that was confusing.
  11. nighhawk

    Shooting a fire axe.

    Maybe the bullet ricocheted off the axe or something.
  12. nighhawk

    Accuracy should be next patch

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158038-mosin-and-m4-accuracy-test/ Accuracy test @500 meters
  13. nighhawk

    Accuracy should be next patch

    Was all of your gear pristine
  14. nighhawk

    Bullet sounds

    Im sure that about 9/10 of the sounds in dayz are placeholders. Rocket said most of the sounds are placeholders himself in one of his videos. It is an alpha, so most things will probably change.
  15. nighhawk

    funny vid confirming ricochet

    Looks like the right thread to me. Im not sure though. edit: Oh okay I see now, sorry should be gallery
  16. nighhawk

    A cabin and the swamp....

    Welcome to DayZ. Had the exact same thing happen. Picking up some food when a guy somehow sneaks up behind me with a wrench and starts beating me with it. He probably got 2-3 hits on me before i finally managed to exit out of the menus and pull my m4 on him. I learned my lesson there. Never run with an m4, always be cautious.
  17. nighhawk

    What's up with all this KoS complains

    I was laughing out loud at that hahaha
  18. nighhawk

    Avoid Ladders (They've killed me twice)

    Were you in 3rd person at the time? Ive found that when you use a ladder in 3rd person it kind of flings your player around a little then puts him on the ladder, while in first person it puts you directly on the ladder. This could just be that I havent come across a glitched ladder, but i have never had this problem playing in first person and i use ladders all the time.
  19. nighhawk


    Id say that is probably desync. Ive seen players running and teleport back a few feet then start running again.
  20. Wait a second. Has anyone thought about the fact that carrying a container in a backpack takes up 4 slots, while the container holds 6-8 slots. Wtf lol
  21. nighhawk

    PvP slider

    I mean I honestly like the idea of discouraging the KoS mentality, but letting people chose how likely they are to run into action directly is a bad idea. And this shouldn't change how likely people are to run into others (because thats nearly impossible to control), but just place players with other people with the same thinking. If they want to kill on sight, let them also be killed on sight. Edit: PvP is fun! Fun to watch sometimes to from a nearby area. It shouldnt be discouraged, but killing unarmed people is just ridiculous.
  22. nighhawk

    Do pistols have ammo yet?

    Really? Ive found some ammo for the .357 Also Rocket said that it has been implemented I believe. Edit: He said that the loot binary was probably glitched on a twitter post.
  23. nighhawk


    Call of Duty sucks. Battlefield is where its at. And I dont kill on sight unless I am forced to or they have a gun. But I mean really how the hell do you want me to play the game? Ive learned my lesson after being killed 20+ times while running around, even if i have absolutely nothing.
  24. nighhawk

    Do pistols have ammo yet?

    Of course they do. The bullets and mags for the .45 are quite small so double check when looking. Most common place is probably fire stations. The .357 is extremely rare for some reason.
  25. nighhawk


    Well i believe this is completely unacceptable even for an alpha and the first thing they should do is work on the security of the servers. I'm no expert on game design, but it doesn't seem like making a system to check for unwanted/out-of-the-ordinary programs that are messing with the dayz files should be that hard.