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Everything posted by nighhawk

  1. nighhawk

    Reset and Rollbacks

    Rubberbanding is when you run somewhere and it pulls you back or something. Its kind of hard to explain. I'm assuming this will fix the teleporting backwards too.
  2. nighhawk

    Reset and Rollbacks

    Dude its an alpha, there's already 15 topics on this, and the next update will fix the rubberbaning. Btw you double posted.
  3. Lots of these have already been suggested to rocket, or he plans on adding them already.
  4. nighhawk

    Well that was fun...

    This belongs in the gallery.
  5. nighhawk

    Horrible FPS in Dubky - is this normal ?

    lol^ Its definitely your computer. Upgrade or try this. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/ my computer is the exact same. Fortunately im upgrading :D
  6. nighhawk

    Need Help Cant Load The Game

    Maybe its your character or something? if that wasnt it, i have no idea what it could be.
  7. nighhawk

    When devs come back from holiday break

    Id assume they will be out until at least January 5th.
  8. nighhawk

    Need a crew or a friendly to Survive and kill with

    Im getting a new computer tomorrow hopefully so ill tell u then. Its kind of pointless right now, my computer barely runs the game.
  9. nighhawk

    Need a crew or a friendly to Survive and kill with

    Hey ill team up with you, but id like to find more people. Also id rather use ts than skype if thats ok.
  10. I am getting my new computer tomorrow, so I thought it would be a good idea to start looking for a team. I do have a mic, and will have teamspeak. Id like the team to have at least 4-5 people and not super serious, but not just screwing around getting killed.
  11. nighhawk


    There could be many reasons. They could be nice and not kill you. Or they could steal your blood and kill you. Overall it doesnt really make a difference what they do from their perspective, besides loosing 1 bullet.
  12. Thats pretty weird, but I have heard that turning up some settings can actually boost performance.
  13. nighhawk

    What do you think?

    I am kind of irritated that weapons only spawn in military bases so I made this to see what everyone else thinks.
  14. nighhawk

    What do you think?

    Why post if youre just going to give some stupid comment. Im tired of people like you jumping on my threads and being dicks with their smart ass comments. Either vote or dont. I didnt ask you to get on this thread. Im not exactly complaining, just seeing what others think. And who knows, weapons didnt only spawn in military bases in the mod did they?
  15. nighhawk

    Do supressors work?

    ? I have found a few but saw no difference in the way the gun sounded.
  16. nighhawk

    Put suggestions here

    To save the devs time i think it would be a good idea to make 1 wish list instead of 1 thread per suggestion. So everyone post your suggestions here and I will come back in a few dayz and edit all of the suggestions together and take out the far-fetched ones. :) Then we could give it to the developers and as the game advances through alpha and beta, they will be able to look back at this and use it as sort of a guide for what we want, instead of having to search through a bunch of threads and replies. Weapons: Assault Rifles: -AEK-971 -SR 3 Vikhr -PPD 34/38/40 -AMD 65 Sniper Rifles: -Dragunov SVD, -VSS Pistols: -CZ75, -GSH 18 Light Machine Guns: Attachments: Vehicles: Civilian: -VAZ 2106 Military: Planes: Clothing Articles: -Tool Belts Note: Please post any suggestions you have! I can add more areas above as needed. Note2: I will also add ideas from other threads if I see them.
  17. nighhawk

    Put suggestions here

    Yeah, I saw that a while ago. But It says that he will be skim-reading which means there could be some good ideas in there that havent been upvoted or something. I just thought it would be much easier to read if there was only one big post with all of the suggestions on it, instead of him having to skim through 500 unorganized posts.
  18. nighhawk

    Put suggestions here

    Ok? Then get out. I think its a good idea myself. The developers probably dont like searching through tons of threads and replies for some good ideas.
  19. nighhawk

    Everything is delayed

    I found that the rotation blur and mouse smoothing made the game kind of weird and delayed looking. It may have been another setting though im not sure.
  20. nighhawk

    Anyone want to team up?

    Im looking for someone to team up with. I have a mic, but Im probably not gonna use it much if at all. Im sort of a tactical player and I do KoS sometimes. Im sort of new to the game so I dont know my way around the map too much so meeting up may be an issue. But besides that anyone want to team up? My steam account is kg746.
  21. I don't believe this at all as you have a backpack and other items, yet you call it a spawn bug. Probably just got some friends together and all wore the same thing. If not then that's pretty weird.
  22. nighhawk

    Friendly reminder

    Lol^ but really do u expect this to stop people. Were discussing the problems, not saying "omg this game sucks balls rocket tottaly ripped me off"
  23. I can't confirm this, but I think that using third person is what causes the ladders to kill people. I've never had this problem and I go up and down ladders all of the time in first person. Next time you are about to go up or down a ladder, switch to first person! Can anyone confirm that this isn't true? Only times I've seen it happen is in 3rd person.
  24. nighhawk

    Possible workaround for ladder killings

    Here's an example.
  25. nighhawk

    Possible workaround for ladder killings

    A lot of people have been complaining about being sort of catapulted to their death when trying to go down a ladder. Whay happens is, your player falls and hits the ground, teleports back to the top of the ladder, then gives you a you are dead message. Ill try to find a video.