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Everything posted by myskaal

  1. I haven't played DayZ in a while. I took a break from it, left off a couple of months ago before all the private servers became so easily available due to the rampant scripting. I finally, today, decided I miss it enough to log on and see what I could get into. Since the majority of private servers now require a whitelist, I decided to first just log into an official hive server (Dallas 303) and re-acquaint myself. Setup completed I loaded onto my old official hive character still packed to the gills with the gear I left off with. I barely had time to get my map open before I was kicked with the message "5 minute ban due to invalid items L85_something_somethingsomething". So anyway, to get to the point, I'm curious what's no longer "legal" as far as gear goes. I really have not been keeping up on the mod updates because I've been sitting on my heels waiting for standalone. And if I am carrying items that used to be legal when I was playing before but aren't anymore because of whatever changes, how do I get rid of them before I'm kicked for "hacking"?
  2. myskaal

    Official Servers: Invalid Items?

    Alrighty. Will just keep trying to find a server that will let me stay on long enough to get rid of it.
  3. myskaal

    dayz original?

    Hmm. I don't think anyone is saying the concepts within DayZ are original. More, the experience of playing DayZ is unique.
  4. Machinima posted their recent interview with Rocket yesterday. Circumstance (one of the crew was teleported to the Thunderdome during the interview) prompted information from him in regards to the issue of hacking and how it has affected players and the inability to avoid bored children with access to download scripts. It's been a hot topic in here over the last several weeks. I'm posting the link below (linked at the relevant time mark). http://youtu.be/y2ArIFO-v60?t=48m50s It's unfortunate that a lot of what he was saying was cut out by the audio of the interviewer and others in the room talking over him but relevant info still managed to make it through: Allowing admins to password protect their servers/go private is under consideration. I have been in search of a good "Home" server for months now. My quest has been plagued by servers that have ceased to exist, servers that become over run by scripters, servers on which the admins abuse their power, servers that feel good but I can't play on with a decent connection because of their location, and servers that aren't maintained properly and have terrible performance. I don't play the deathmatch aspect of the game. My character is a survivor and that's how I play the game. I am curious, then. If you as a server admin decided to password protect your server, what requirements would you have for allowing players onto your server? How would you decide who to give your password to? How would a player like me be able to join your server? Edited to clarify the question. I'm not asking for your opinions on whether servers should be allowed to password protect themselves.
  5. This is new for me and I don't know if the game has finally just killed my poor little CPU or what but it's hurting me. On the inside. Point to note: I know I need a new PC. Very much so. As soon as I am able I will be doing so but for now, and for the foreseeable future, it is simply not an option I can wiggle into my budget in any possible way whatsoever. When I first started playing DayZ (end of May/beginning of Juneish) my PC handled it pretty darn well for it's age. I could keep up just fine with other players and did not have an issue with aiming or shooting weapons or moving around in the world and I would often be with or in the vicinity of other players, sometimes many at once. Sure I had to turn my graphics settings down but other than a few less detailed textures, things still looked and handled great. The problem is, now, as soon as another player gets near me (I have no idea the exact radius) - my FPS dumps to a literally unplayable point. I lag on *everything*. It takes many seconds to line up a shot - assuming I don't overswing it because the camera is just not responding. In fact any action (looting, moving the camera to look at things, even moving my character) pretty much becomes unbearable and.. well pointless. And if there's more than 1 other player int he area? Forget it. Slideshow. What confuses me is this never used to happen. I noticed the graphical lag starting to ramp up around, I want to say the beginning of August. Since then, I haven't played as much, so the degree and times of it's downward spiral I can't be sure of. All I can be sure is as of right now - I can't play the game anymore (unless I am the only person playing). So I'm wondering what anyone suggests (other than buying a new PC. I know. Working on that lottery ticket, really). Or if anyone knows why it would be other players entering the area that's causing these issues for me and what, if anything, can be done to help. Really miss playing this game. :/
  6. myskaal

    Other Players = Unplayable FPS

    I clean my system up regularly. Doing this, again, makes no difference to this problem.
  7. myskaal

    Other Players = Unplayable FPS

    Thanks for the speed fan tip. Temp started at around 70 after loading up the game and steadily climbed to around 85 with a couple of bumps up to 89. As soon as I window out - and I do mean as soon as, as in immediately, the temp reading drops back down to 58. I've never known the temp of anything to drop 30 degrees in literally .5 seconds. So.. I'm not real sure how accurate this program is but there's the readings it gave me anyway.
  8. myskaal

    Other Players = Unplayable FPS

    I honestly have no idea nor do I have a way to check.
  9. Down for all but the 1st person only. I understand the arguments for it but I just can't do 1st person only. It totally fucks with me.
  10. Looks interesting and I like a lot of the ideas you're working on/with. I'll keep my eyes on it. The major turn off for me: "attempt to force" - into specific roles. I'm guessing it's the military sim/shooter aspect of ArmA II that puts people in that military squad is required mind set with DayZ. I totally agree that within a survival scenario, survivors and groups of survivors that band together would indeed need to take on a "be ready to kill/defend at any second" mindset and even take on certain roles given a specific moment. But if I'm leaving my camp/base with a big enough bag - damn right I'm going to carry as many different weapon types as I'm able to shove in there - because situations change - not because I decided I'm going to be "the sniper" or "the spotter" only. That and one of the most appealing things about DayZ is a Sandbox to me is I'm not forced into a specific "role" - and I am not even forced to be a squad member. I can lone wolf it. Maybe hook up with another survivor for a short time, or join another group long enough to get into a town and grab some supplies and get out and then go back to lone wolfing it again. Just my 2c/feedback :)
  11. Yea I just don't get the draw to this map. I guess for the players who just want to chase each other around shooting? I don't meant hat to sound as snarky as it's going to in text on a forum. I'm just not seeing the "world survival" aspect of some of these new maps. They appear to be being set up more for death matches/war.
  12. Not sure if serious...
  13. myskaal

    Graphic's in the standalone dayZ

    Yep. Same graphics you'er looking at now with better animations, a simple ragdoll, and better lighting.
  14. myskaal

    My last 4 hours of playing Day-Z

    5 months is the longest Alpha you've seen? You haven't seen a lot of game alphas then. You are, indeed, ill informed. You are very unaware of the reasons scripting is so easy in this MOD. ArmA2 was designed to accept these scripts. It was not designed to be a persistent world survival apocalypse MMO. What you are playing was not made to be anything more than an experiment and to function like the many other mods that were made for ArmA2. As well, tools have been released to aide server admins to combat the scripting. There are 2 particular servers I play on regularly and the only scripting related activity I've seen on those 2 servers are the announcements of a global ban issued to someone who attempted to execute a script.
  15. myskaal

    Why the radio silence?!?

    The reasons are totally understandable. Completely. At this stage, communication with the community here is also something that needs to be considered extremely important. The announcement for standalone was made and then... silence! (except for 1 update patch that didn't work and a reddit AMA). You guys really need to consider hiring a community manager. Little announcements posts like "Dev Team headed to PAX Next!" filled in with even just a couple of sentences about spending the weekend there and then back to work... or some such, While there's a lot of us that understand what is going on, even just a few sentences go a really long way to help keep people feeling well about what's going on and plugged in. You've got over a million players hanging on right now. Give them someone "official" to talk to.
  16. myskaal

    DayZ In eSports

    Yep, watching the Hunger GameZ was very entertaining. First thing it made me think was "This could so easily be a DayZ Esport." (and apparently I'm not the only one since now there's another group that stole the idea and are trying to set up another Hunger Games exactly AS an Esport for DayZ). More scenarios could easily be added for variety. Just the toolset for spectating and setting up special maps needs to be included.
  17. Glad to finally see some word here. Thanks for that. It's very difficult to track down every random interview/article/livestream/video/social media post to try to keep up with what's going on. These are the official forums and the majority of players looking for info on what's happening are going to either come here or check the main dayzmod site. It would be a really good idea to have someone keeping us up to date - or heck even the dayzgame.com website, so that we don't have to try to track down every random interview/article.livestream/video/social media post in order to find out what is going on. Gotta tighten up, guys. Reddit and 4Chan are not tops on many people's lists for "go to for game info".
  18. myskaal

    last players (24h)

    GW2, Sleeping Dogs, Dark Souls, Darksiders 2... been a few releases the past couple weeks.
  19. Hmm didn't have this problem after updating. I logged onto servers that are running the compatible versions, though.
  20. myskaal

    A request of Rocket...

    ^ That's another of the 50 fixes that works for some people and doesn't work for others.
  21. More broken vehicles, less vehicle parts, scarce fuel Less high powered/military weapons, more "around the house" type weapons (though still difficult to find - hello apocalypse) + degradation + scarce ammo. Searchable/lootable items inside buildings: chests, wardrobes, desks, nightstands, safes... you know like at some point in the not too distant past people actually lived in these places. I like the idea of underground building but I would like to see this underground be an actual place - like a subway and sewer system. Underground tunnels and stations, rather than just some empty instance you load into and create a base in. Example: You drop through a manhole and make your way through the tunnels to your base entrance (instance). **ASA WELL AS - the ability to dig into the ground/mountains. With the creating of bases, I'd love to see the inclusion of being able to create amenities such as electricity - to light/heat/arm said bases. Water filtration systems. Cooking appliances/facilities beyond a simple camp fire... I mean this all depends how far into the "rebuild civilization" part of it you want to go. Stamina/Endurance/Agility/Dexterity(aim) directly related to and affected by hydration/fed/temperature/health level. Animals - dangerous wildlife. Fishing - another food source Infected population independent of players. It's too much of a giveaway: zambies here means player here. The diary/note creation Enter-able tents: out in the wilderness, have my tent in my pack, starts raining. I'd like to be able to set my tent up and climb inside to get out of the rain. "Friend" identification. If I'm looking at my team mate "Joe", I'd like to be able to tell that it's "Joe" and not the other random guy that has the exact same skin/equipment who just happened to come around the corner. Maybe some sort of customizable clothing flag - armband, hat decal, bandana... something. EASTER EGGS (What could be at Green Mountain? hmmmm)
  22. Anywhere that's not within a town limit (by the map's standards) is "Wilderness". ;) Glad you got up and running again. Good on you Sephka.
  23. myskaal

    DayZGame graphics...

    No he has never said it will run on Real Virtuality 4 (the one arma 3 is using). What he said is that they will essentially be making their own version of the Real Virtuality engine using bits that we've seen in other BIS games and bits from what will be in ArmA3 plus things we haven't in order to make it DayZ specific.
  24. myskaal

    Hive down??

    Was on a server. Yellow chained for a really long time. Logged out. Tried to log back in. Get this: