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About nasdero68

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. No problem at all, everybody was pointed to the state of this game, do what you need to do, but please fix this unconscious thing, it can't be right, can it?
  2. nasdero68

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    It is pretty easy, first of all nobody force you to join any server, second they can do it like Epoch do it, there are privat server (custom) and also public server (official), that's it. I will never pay for a server like an origins server, you pay and they decide what they do with it. What you say is, like everybody has to buy a red car..., I say everbody can decide what color he wants and what kind of car. But I agree with the 1000 cars, I got 308 cars on taviana, including 84 locked vehicles, but every serverowner should be able to choose how many cars he want to have on his server and the player can choose the server they want to play on, if he like 1000 cars or 10 cars.
  3. nasdero68

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    We do host an Dayz Epoch Server on a fast root server. So will we be able to host a server for the standalone? Will we get the files to host the server? Will use the engine 4 cores or more? We would like to host a server in Germany for all our friends in europe.