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Everything posted by Uno

  1. SO could someone explain me (playing on whitelist TAKISTAN server): 1. Stalking bandit behind the barracks. He cant see me so starts runing at me. I hide behind the corner and when he runs past me i start shooting at him. He freezes like he was traying to altf4. I start runing away and get shot, and before falling to the ground I see same dode shooting at me from same position. I died. Was it desinc? Didnt see any chain indicator. 2. Im watching car going over the hill and disappearing behind it. I start runing same direction when suddenly I hear and I see a car returning straight at me. As I am 100meters away i start shooting my ak and car turns right like 50meters in front of me. I can see her back lights and in second im hit by the same car - that one dissapears. Before falling to the ground i can see same car turning in same manner just this time hiting me. What The Fok ? I dont know how to play arma anymore. Am i in some kind of a different dimension?
  2. Uno

    I cant understand arma

    I play since very first day of this mod, i know what im doing mate.
  3. Uno

    I cant understand arma

    I gues it was some kind of spike... We used to play on US servers with 215 ping, still had no problems there.
  4. Uno

    I cant understand arma

    Yes, i play in same server every day with 50-74 ping.
  5. Hi im noob here. I was playing this mod 5 times and for 8h already. The only conclusion I have reached is that the real world is fucked up. There was a guy runing from zombies, i helped him, shoot all zombies, healed him and he just shot me after that in my face. There was a guy in fire station, swarmed with zombies, he was trying to shoot back, i ran in started shooting zombies, he saw me doing this, when i was healing my self he shot me... I met a hungry dude, he was hungry, i gave him my last tincan, the he shot me in the back. There was a dude he had lost his gun, i gave him my secondary, that second he shot me. I was in wood, met guy with bad blood lost, i gave gim blood refill, he shot me after 2 min. Is it me, or this world is going no where... I was dreaming about people helping eatch other, clearing zombies, fighting to survie together, all i get is shots to my face. Dont want to bitch about this too much, but i think my post will make some guys thing before they shoot other or stab them in the back. Dont want to play this mod anymore... real life looks better :D
  6. Uno


    here it is
  7. Hi guys, yesterday we played in DE #30 server. At the first our team were hunting bandits close to Elektro, then we moved west by the coast line to hunt some more. It was strange to find lots of bodies with very good loot and it was not looted... Me and mi firend where runing by coast line in the forest when i saw a dude, that apeared from no where like 10m from us. He was with shemag, had no gun and no backpack. He sed „Please shoot me shoot me“. We thought the dude was lost and couldnt respwn. So my mate shot him with L thermo, he didnt die, then i ran up tu him and shot him to head with M9SD. At that moment he disappeared, and seconds later i was shot to my back...my friend DC as he saw what happend. My other half of the team at the same moment where shot or axed at the same moment from behind by some guys who apeared from no where...Before death they where insulted in russian language - „Time to disconenct, lox! [fucker]“. They had no name tags... thats the worst thing, my friend was running fraps but i cant tell at the moment did he get anything on it. May be checking the server logs will help. Thank you, good luck
  8. What if after infected contact you get like 0.01 chance of getting infected too. Like after 2 days with no proper treatment (ex. 5 antibio.) you become controled by AI for a period of time, that is every time longer...? Would this be hard to implement? I gues would be paranoid and fun to suspect some of your friends soon to get infected and being attaced by them :)
  9. Agreed, but imagine you mate start to uncontrollably spray his gun while you loot supermarket in cherno... o get bitten by your spotter on the roof while sniping. Thendecisions decisions - shall i shoot him or wait him to return to full control. Then try to treat him :)
  10. Hello dear friends, I play DayZ for a while, and from the start one thought haunts my mind and I gues for many of you too. Forum is talking about the game to be reflecting reality, I gues msiter Rocket is trying not to go too far from it. PvP is not a problem, while it is reasonable, as you can find it now - it is not... Trying to solve this problem, dev is trying to alter some parts of the mod, forgeting the key aprt of it - Z. With all respect to dev's and you guys, my suggestion would look like this: - Z's should run in straight lines to player from their starting position. Now they are running in zigzags, which seems ridiculously and it is unfounded. Why sould they run like this? As a primitive hunter you take straight line to you prey. Do they lost theyr mind - yes. But primal instinct is intact. - Make Z's stronger in body - 2 - 3 einfield / shotgun shots to body, may be 1 shot with M1911 to head with 80% succses to to kill (shots to head is far away not fatal to head in real world as you may know). From the start it looks like z's is mind and nervous system is infected, not body. They shoud keep on target ignoring pain, while motor function is intact. With all respect to devs, now they look like butterflies who can see you from miles but can do shit, and thats for they fly to you wobling to look anoyng. And gree dear friends, with arma mechanics, it is very hard to target them moving this way. But it is a show-off, not based on reason... - Infected sensitivity should remain the same, maybe slightly reduced. They mutters while walking, shaking his head, ranging from side to side, their body does not obey the mind, so if the mind is busy - where such skills? Their mind is muddy after all, not oneself. So in this way, we have primitive but dangerous machine. That acts naturaly, reasonably, and reflects real human body characteristics. With these z's around, I would be counting every bullet, every round. I would understand, that every shot i am waisting on PvP will be missing when I'll agro couple of zeds. We dont need thousand zeds anoyingly flying around that hits our pc's hard, i think we need few (the same we get now) that does more. What about shooting players to get ammo - well ok, you can try your luck, and find 10 rounds of some ammo, bout youll have to waste them on z 's you agro doing this, as they are stronger now. Maybe this will not kill pvp, but will add some balance to mod, that is missing at the time. Once i was on roof of office watching some dude shooting noobs. He shoots one guy, then takes makarov and shoots 2 or 5 z that agros and comes to himg and this again and again. In my way, he would be so in triouble, alone, traying to deffend him self from these 2 zombies that can take makarov mag and still could move! Dont make this game harder accompany to buggy arma engine, like buggy interactions or making you to stand up entering the haus, make it hardert at its hey - infection. And yes, one more, whats with the 1200 of blood, why? We have 5 liters of blood, and it is 5000 of something. So at 2000 you should be so in trouble... Blood transfusion should restore max 1000, and food in a day or two should do the same. Sorry for my english, it is not my native. Regards, Paul.
  11. We.ve won guys - they have nerfed the guns!
  12. There shouldnt be no 2 or 3 hit counter. Z shoud be stronger, run straight and dot act like buterflies. They should take 2-3 M1911 shots or makarov mag to kill. Thats it, try this and you will see it is working. Simple example - you will not see very noob in cherno (smar noob not like 10y o kid) shooting zombies - becouse he is fucking afraid of zeds to agro and for players to hear shooting, he will run or hide or try to avoid in all costs but not to shoot.
  13. Agreed, and concrete walls or fences dont do mutch for them.
  14. Check this one mate, they are tend to move here in more straight lines:
  15. Yes mate, but no of this stupid zig zag running.
  16. Yes, but Zeds is not as smart as players are, they dont shoot you back. This will make you team up, to do safer rades on loot. Melee should do more damage. We miss balance here too. And two more - mens normal temperature is not 42, it is 37. Tehy should fix this one too. And zeds spawn too fast, they should be off for 2-4 min after killed, while with my suggestion they are harder to kill. I remmember when I and mate where swarmed in supermarket, it was nothing to deal with. I shot 30 z and my mate did the same. Whe had ammo, but zeds where broken. So there was no thrill or comon sence. If we had less zombies but them being stronger - that would be dif story.
  17. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32286-altering-z-by-influencing-pvp/
  18. I lost my gear while not updating to 1.7.2 and keeping it and trying to connect to servers who say it is in version and actualy is 1.7.2. This is so wrong.
  19. Uno

    Stuck in.. Wastelands...?

    It took me 2,5h. i ran SE, then when vertical grid started to move, ran to E. If youll run to SE all the time then youll get to kamenka. But after 1 h you should turn to E and youll get somwhere at Y grid - 21
  20. Uno

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Hi every one, As 1.7.15 was good, so 1.7.2 is as bad... *** I am in debug planes, never been here before. And after jumping throught servers, there is a MASS PARTY GOING ON IN DEBUG PLANES. Yesterday i tryed 4 servers, and counted - 23 guys in debug planes... Now im trying to run ou of it. 2h, grid starts to move but i gues still lots to run. *** I have .2 and 47 beta patch. We cant play in teams as it always in every server desincs... We loose men every 5 min. *** Every 1-3h we get despawned in starting position. No progres, all used items returned. *** Very hard to conect to servers. This LOADING screen usually freezes game. *** These magical zombies - they are gliding, flying, they are morphing thrue walls, they spawn too close too fast and in vast numbera (4 for one killed). *** This shit .15 gillie shit and item duplication in .2 is masive! We killed guy who had ALL BACKPACK filled wtih NVG's - like 22NVG's! *** This version takes 4 time slonger to load. .15 was so fast... If you would be selling game at state of .15, id say - best money spend, but with .2 - i would say - return my money! And for opinion - 7.15 was best update - no laging, no debug shit, ALWAYS was able to join, normal zombies, no lost items or loot. Had a lots of fun before .2. Thank you team, Respectfully UNO
  21. Uno

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Hi, whats with the zeds spawn rate - when i go to dear stant alone - 3z there, we went there in team of 4 - gues what - 12 zombies there. So it is very hart in tawns to move in groups - multiply zeds in team members number. And yes, they spawn too fast - shot one at dear stand, my mate shot one too, and in second we had 4 more. SO it goes exponentially. Also - lots of levitating ant gliding Zeds, you see one in field and he just glides into building from like 50 meters. O some Zed glieds thrue wall when you are in.
  22. Uno

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Hi WTF with teleporatation and time wraping? Yesterday been driving truck with squad for an hour, looting stuff and putting inside it, runing in forests for 2h, hunting ... and then boom - teleported to server joining position i was 5H before! And it was day now, not night, out truck was left in place where we were teleported from. So we start running for saving privat ural mission. Runign for and hour... and the boom again back to same place same stuff and night again. We try it again, 1,5h boom we ar back... god help us we are stuck in this fucking void...
  23. Hi, Will transport with all stuff inside will be wiped out after 1.7.2 update (like tents) ?
  24. Uno

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I truly hope so. Would be fun for groups clans to have to start from scratch after using they're closed servers to hoard everything. We raid one clans base and stole / destroyed. Now we hunt them one buy one and protect coast line. So its not fum for us to loose stuff mate. We are friendly