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About Uno

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Uno

    I cant understand arma

    I play since very first day of this mod, i know what im doing mate.
  2. Uno

    I cant understand arma

    I gues it was some kind of spike... We used to play on US servers with 215 ping, still had no problems there.
  3. Uno

    I cant understand arma

    Yes, i play in same server every day with 50-74 ping.
  4. SO could someone explain me (playing on whitelist TAKISTAN server): 1. Stalking bandit behind the barracks. He cant see me so starts runing at me. I hide behind the corner and when he runs past me i start shooting at him. He freezes like he was traying to altf4. I start runing away and get shot, and before falling to the ground I see same dode shooting at me from same position. I died. Was it desinc? Didnt see any chain indicator. 2. Im watching car going over the hill and disappearing behind it. I start runing same direction when suddenly I hear and I see a car returning straight at me. As I am 100meters away i start shooting my ak and car turns right like 50meters in front of me. I can see her back lights and in second im hit by the same car - that one dissapears. Before falling to the ground i can see same car turning in same manner just this time hiting me. What The Fok ? I dont know how to play arma anymore. Am i in some kind of a different dimension?
  5. Uno


    here it is
  6. Hi guys, yesterday we played in DE #30 server. At the first our team were hunting bandits close to Elektro, then we moved west by the coast line to hunt some more. It was strange to find lots of bodies with very good loot and it was not looted... Me and mi firend where runing by coast line in the forest when i saw a dude, that apeared from no where like 10m from us. He was with shemag, had no gun and no backpack. He sed „Please shoot me shoot me“. We thought the dude was lost and couldnt respwn. So my mate shot him with L thermo, he didnt die, then i ran up tu him and shot him to head with M9SD. At that moment he disappeared, and seconds later i was shot to my back...my friend DC as he saw what happend. My other half of the team at the same moment where shot or axed at the same moment from behind by some guys who apeared from no where...Before death they where insulted in russian language - „Time to disconenct, lox! [fucker]“. They had no name tags... thats the worst thing, my friend was running fraps but i cant tell at the moment did he get anything on it. May be checking the server logs will help. Thank you, good luck
  7. Agreed, but imagine you mate start to uncontrollably spray his gun while you loot supermarket in cherno... o get bitten by your spotter on the roof while sniping. Thendecisions decisions - shall i shoot him or wait him to return to full control. Then try to treat him :)
  8. What if after infected contact you get like 0.01 chance of getting infected too. Like after 2 days with no proper treatment (ex. 5 antibio.) you become controled by AI for a period of time, that is every time longer...? Would this be hard to implement? I gues would be paranoid and fun to suspect some of your friends soon to get infected and being attaced by them :)
  9. We.ve won guys - they have nerfed the guns!
  10. There shouldnt be no 2 or 3 hit counter. Z shoud be stronger, run straight and dot act like buterflies. They should take 2-3 M1911 shots or makarov mag to kill. Thats it, try this and you will see it is working. Simple example - you will not see very noob in cherno (smar noob not like 10y o kid) shooting zombies - becouse he is fucking afraid of zeds to agro and for players to hear shooting, he will run or hide or try to avoid in all costs but not to shoot.
  11. Agreed, and concrete walls or fences dont do mutch for them.
  12. Check this one mate, they are tend to move here in more straight lines:
  13. Yes mate, but no of this stupid zig zag running.
  14. Yes, but Zeds is not as smart as players are, they dont shoot you back. This will make you team up, to do safer rades on loot. Melee should do more damage. We miss balance here too. And two more - mens normal temperature is not 42, it is 37. Tehy should fix this one too. And zeds spawn too fast, they should be off for 2-4 min after killed, while with my suggestion they are harder to kill. I remmember when I and mate where swarmed in supermarket, it was nothing to deal with. I shot 30 z and my mate did the same. Whe had ammo, but zeds where broken. So there was no thrill or comon sence. If we had less zombies but them being stronger - that would be dif story.