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2 Neutral

About gcsnorth

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Massachusetts, USA
  1. Hi. My name is gcsnorth and I am looking for a small group of players to play overwatch with. The age requirement is 15+ and you must have a skype or create one.Fill in the application as followed. My skype name is gsmitty12. Age: Name: Skype: Gameplay Style: Hours of experience:
  2. gcsnorth

    dayz clan recruiting

    mic: Yes age: 15 time played: 12 hours Skype name: gsmitty12 how you like to play: Neutral
  3. gcsnorth

    LF for Epoch group/partner

    I will join. My skype name is gsmitty12. Is it okay if i am 15?