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Everything posted by Ejbrauer

  1. I've been wondering for a while what dayz mod this was. There are 3 factions: military, insurgents, and survivor. It looked like it was ran on ace. But I didn't think the mod "dayz hardcorps" had missions where instead of ai it would be the players in the military faction. I saw this mod being played by LastStandGamers on YouTube. Watch his days series and let me know. I'm not sure if any of the things are true. I'm just going by what I saw.
  2. my friend was killed at an aircraft dealer on this epoch server by wat i believe was a player but he was saying tht it was ai. when he was talking to this guy asking if friendly , the guy wiggled or danced then shot him. tell me do wiggle or was this a player?
  3. Ejbrauer

    combat help

    Im was playing recently and I realized that I'm horrible at combat,mostly close quarters. Almost every battle I get in I lose. I know there isn't a little trick to automatically make me better, but I was just wonder if there r any tips and pointers u guys can give me to help me get better. Thanks.
  4. Ejbrauer

    combat help

    Im was playing recently and I realized that I'm horrible at combat,mostly close quarters. Almost every battle I get in I lose. I know there isn't a little trick to automatically make me better, but I was just wonder if there r any tips and pointers u guys can give me to help me get better. Thanks.
  5. Ejbrauer

    combat help

    Thanks I'll makes sure to do this.
  6. I've been having a lot of issues when playing dayz especialy on more hostile servers. i feel like im blind compared to other players. i always end up getting back stabbed becuz i made a mistake scanning the area around me. i always end up getting seen 1st and ussually when my bck is turned. i was wondering if anybody can give me tips on this stuff.
  7. Ejbrauer

    Team Mate to record with or Team up

    add me on steam : Ejbrauer (my pic should be similar to my pic on here)
  8. Sure ill play wit u. what mods do u play? or do u just play vanila? Steam : Ejbrauer (anyone else who wants someone to play with feel free to add me)
  9. thx guys ill be sure to work on that.