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Posts posted by MoistNugget

  1. Hi there, whenever I spawn into servers now, all of the lettering on the left side (like when it says somebody has been killed or disconnected) is all red, plus, there is no sound and the upper right box displaying all the info is gone. Everything is up to date and I've just started experiencing this now, after a couple of months of gameplay. Any ideas as to why this is happening?

  2. Date/Time: Around 10:15 gmt-7 11 june 2012 when I first spawned into the water, I logged out around 2am last night, give or take a few minutes.

    What happened: I lost all my gear for spawning in the water, i had a m4a1cco (Funny how I had the exact same weapon as the guy above me). Just logged on now and found myself in the water, along with like 5 other players.

    Where you were: Firestation in Cherno, ocean in the middle of nowhere when I spawned

    What you were doing: Crouching and logged out (Yesterday) and I was swimming in the ocean when I logged on

    Player profile # is 15721862 if that's important at all.

    *Current installed version:1.7 of dayz

    *Server(s) you were on: US2

    If you do character resets, could you please reset me to around 1:45 am june 11?
