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Everything posted by bosaidan

  1. hello everyone i am looking for 5-6 people to game with you must be in new Zealand, Australia,or America to join will be playing epoch normal dayz battle royal and many more i am 14 and have clocked up some 12 months no age limit but must be experienced to a degree at-lest 10 hours of play and have mic add me on Skype aidan.laing :) please fill out mic: age: time played: Skype name: how you like to play:
  2. bosaidan

    dayz clan recruiting

    fatsibles,logan and, orange_shooter_12 you have all been accepted into the clan/group thye sooner we all on the better
  3. bosaidan

    dayz clan recruiting

    thanks for your submissions
  4. bosaidan

    dayz clan recruiting

    more people can still join i will edit post and close down once recruiting is finished
  5. bosaidan

    dayz clan recruiting

    you must create or tell me your skype name so i can group u in to the games
  6. mic: yes In-game name - Aidan Age - 14 Mature - very Experienced - very two years Type of play - ( your play-style ) flying sniping and being When I can play - when i can Why I'm looking for a group - just want to stop going lonewolf all the time