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Everything posted by s1rGr1nG0

  1. s1rGr1nG0

    Respawn Winchester

    I have a question in regards to the Winchester. I have recently returned from about a 6-7 month absence from Dayz. I wanted to check out the new changes, buildings, etc... so I logged on to an empty server and spawned near Elektro. Pretty much right off the bat I found a Winchester, (among other things), but I have not found any ammo that will fit it. I moused over the gun but it doesn't say what caliber it takes. I've gone from Balota, to Elektro, to Cherno, to Berenezino, up the coast to Svet and over to Novo and have not found anything that will fit it. This has been the case over the course of the past few days and on multiple servers. I have other guns on me like 1911's and a PK73 (think that's it) but nothing for a Winchester. I've come close to dropping it a few times but I always tell myself if I do I will find ammo for it in the next town. LOL I've hit the police stations and many homes in every town I go to, but, nothing so far. I don't doubt that it's out there and I'm sure it's just a streak of bad luck but damn! :)
  2. I haven't really played DayZ since early this year, around Spring time I think. The last couple of days I got on a low pop server just to look around and see what's changed. First thing I notice is that there are no zombies. I spawned in the Cherno area and ran over to Balota and I have not seen a single zombie the entire time. What happened?
  3. s1rGr1nG0

    zombies do what?

    QFT. When looking for PvP just hang back on a hill or in the woods and just look for zombie aggro. Target acquired!
  4. s1rGr1nG0

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    When it comes to computers ALWAYS get the most CPU and RAM you can possibly afford.
  5. s1rGr1nG0


    Personally I don't see the attraction to it. I hardly ever find anything particularly rare. If I'm in the are I'll swing by but there are better places to go.
  6. s1rGr1nG0

    Who decided to make hacksaw's so rare?

    I can confirm this. I was also a firm believer in the rarity of the elusive hacksaw...until I saw this post. Now I check all of these little sheds and usually there is a saw there.
  7. s1rGr1nG0

    Hey... You friendly?

    Admittedly I have met quite a few random people who didn't try to kill me, (or me them). We bump into each other on the street, chat a bit, then head our separate ways. That VAST majority of the time it has not been so well. %99 of the time I avoid all contact with people in this game. I don't know anyone who plays and I'm not part of a clan so I am lone wolf %100 of the time. The highlighted words above are words to live by when it comes to DayZ.
  8. s1rGr1nG0

    Hey... You friendly?

    LMAO, at which point I keep doing whatever it was I was doing. If you're going to shoot you will do it anyway. If not, then I'm already running around the corner.
  9. s1rGr1nG0

    "My leg is in pain" and desaturated screen

    This! I had the exact same problem as OP once and I noticed that my boots were ruined. I swapped them out and the pain went away. EDIT: same problem except that I didn't have the gray screen. I just couldn't figure out why my leg was constantly hurting until I noticed my boots were ruined.
  10. I've observed this too in various locations but the vast majority of loot is junk. Boots, crowbars, med kits, and other misc crap that rarely gets used.
  11. s1rGr1nG0


    I've seen that too but it's mostly junk. TONS of boots and other crap that no one ever uses.
  12. s1rGr1nG0

    Stable - 0.51 Discussion

    I saw a gas can this morning in a shed near the police station in Berezino, East side of town. I spawned on the hill above the ship then ran to Berezino. Started looting and checked the shed for a weapon and there was the gas can. It was about %70 I think.
  13. s1rGr1nG0

    All Items/Gear Gone... WTF ?

    I had a "similar" thing happen. I played for a bit over the weekend. Headed inland and found a nice, unlooted, town, (forget the name but it wasn't a real big one). Went to the hospital and found a complete red paramedics outfit. First time I found one of those so I put it on. By this time I already had a dry bag, a shotgun, fire axe, and the dry bag was pretty full with misc other gear. I logged out in some random house or shed. Next time I logged on I still had the paramedic outfit on, I still had my axe and shotgun, but my dry bag was replaced with an empty taloon backpack. I still had some food and soda, plus a little ammo in my pockets but that was it. No biggie I guess. Just started looting again and now I'm back in business.
  14. s1rGr1nG0

    What can i do if i dont trust anybody?

    Ya know, I used to have this problem until I just decided to say, "Fuck it." For the longest time I would only play on low pop servers. I would get fully geared with EVERYTHING and then run around on a server with like 3 people on it. :rolleyes: No fun in that. I took about a month break and decided to play again but this time I joined a server that was just about completely full. I ran around, got a little bit of gear, then stopped by a car to search it and boom, "You are Dead". :D I respawned and started over again. Got a little bit of loot, met a couple guys, chatted for a few minutes then we went on our separate ways. I logged out in the piano house. This morning I logged back in and there was a kitted guy in the room with me. He was all in a panic because I had a shotgun on my back while he had his AK pointed at my face. He kept saying for me to put my gun on the ground and I just told him if you move I will just leave and get out of his way. His reply: "Fuck you, bitch." BOOM. "You are Dead." :P
  15. s1rGr1nG0

    Messy but has potential

    It's alpha, bro. Run inland. We've all heard these some complaints countless times before.
  16. s1rGr1nG0

    Flashlight pool

    First thing I do is drop the flash light, drop the battery, and tear my t-shirt into rags. Then i sprint to the nearest buildings and start my search.
  17. s1rGr1nG0

    Where are the mosins?

    Guess I got lucky but right after the update I found a Mosin in the first house I went in, (think it was a piano house), then 5 minutes later found a LRS in a nearby garage. :D
  18. s1rGr1nG0

    How Does Temperature Work?

    Not trying to be a smart-ass but maybe standing by it works instead of sitting? Could be bugged? Either that or you were frozen solid. :D
  19. s1rGr1nG0

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I have had none of those issue. Logged in for the first time after update this morning. Spawned in a village near Novo. Ran around for a bit and was fully kitted in about 20 minutes. Saw 4 cattle prods during that time but didn't pick them up. Killed a few zombies and didn't get any of those annoying range hits or hit after they died like we used to. So far I'm pleased with the update but will reserve judgement until I get more play time. Had to leave for work or I would have played some more. ;)
  20. s1rGr1nG0

    Follow the power lines, they said...

    Stay away from power lines. They carry high voltage which can kill you and also they emit beamz that shrink your nutz. :D
  21. Thanks! :D Logged in this morning to run around for a few minutes before work. Was at the NWAF and there was only 1 other person on the entire server. What are the chances we would meet? He could have been at Balota, or Novo, or any of the small military bases scattered around the map. Off in the distance I see smoke from a crashed helo so I start running. This would be only my 3rd helo site so I was pretty stoked about seeing one. I'm about 20 meters away when out from around the other side of the crash walks "The Fixer", think that was his name. He's fully kitted and raises his Mosin. I press F1 and wave. Him: "Hey man, what's up?" Me: "Not much just logged on before work. Anything laying around here?" Him: "Nah, not much. I've been looking for an AK for days now but can't find one" Me: "I have an AK and some ammo. I'll trade you for the Mosin. I see AK's all over the place." Him: "Cool, OK." We swap guns, about 60 rounds of ammo each, and part ways. I search around the crash site some more and find an explosive grenade! See guys, not all encounters in game are KOS, although I admit, I figured he was going to kill me when he came from around the back side of the crash. :P If you see this post Fixer...thanks man!
  22. Yet you click on them, read them, and then reply to each one in your own little self righteous way in an attempt to protest the cluttering of an internet message board dedicated to a video game that I posted about in my original post. Get over yourself. Your opinions don't matter as much in this regard as you would like them to.
  23. s1rGr1nG0

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    If you set your hopes low you are either proven right or pleasantly surprised. Which is it? :D
  24. LMAO! Just to make sure I understand you. By playing DayZ, and then coming to the official DayZ forum, and posting about an in game experience I had while playing DayZ, (in the "General Discussion" section no less), I am "cluttering up" the forum? I think the words "General Discussion" and "forum" don't mean what YOU think they mean. None the less. I'll give you some imaginary beans if it will ease your butthurt.
  25. s1rGr1nG0

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    I vote none! They need to add some type of "normal" hunting rifle and not another military weapon. Something like a .308 or 30-06. Make them available in barns and farm houses on rural areas.