Posted this in yesterdays update before it was closed: "As I understand it you've been working on and off with the Arma team and this can somewhat be considered to run on an Arma 2.5 engine (correct me if I'm wrong). That so, have you guys managed to solve the optimization issues that Arma 2 and 3 face that limit the FPS even in singleplayer without using 100% GPU, RAM, or anywhere even above 70% CPU? - it's not bottlenecked by users system specs. This issue is even worse on servers when servers restrict frames even more (I know you're working on that aspect), but the issue for frames is in the code of the arma engine offline as well. Keep up the good work! (and maybe give a nudge to your Arma friends to gut their codes too…" I got some responses emphasizing that you've gutted the Arma 2.5 engine and essentially created your own, but I still don't know if the optimization issues I described have been addressed. Any word?