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Everything posted by thirdrd0@gmail.com

  1. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    Suggestions regarding survival options.

    All of this is true and awesome, but I still think that if you catch a common cold you shouldn't be contagious until you get really ill. Sure, we are living in terrible conditions but it's safe to assume that we're also tough guys. All the weak people are zombie food by now. Remember - we all start with weapon and some basic "survival kit" which means that we were either some sort of military (maybe police, who knows) or we managed to live for some time and gathered some stuff before the game started. In both cases we're more than simple John Smith. Maybe not super heroes but you get the idea.
  2. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    Suggestions regarding survival options.

    Both ideas are in my post - medicines, and coughing and sneezing. I know, it's too long, easy to miss stuff:) EDIT: As for contagious part, it might be a good idea (I don't know how hard to implement it would be) but only on higher tiers of illness. We're survivors during zombie apocalypse, not children in kindergarten.
  3. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    IF this was an actual game...

    -What's the point in retail? DayZ is a mod, it exists in the Internet and thanks to the Internet. Retail means only cost to you, but it doesn't matter from consumer point of view. Do as you please here. -Community servers are great both for you and for players because a) they're cheaper for you and b) they give much more freedom to players. If I want to play DayZ The Game without zombies or without PvP (I wouldn't really) I can simply start my own server and that's it, win-win. - I don't get how vanity items could break balance. If I get a ribbon, or sunglasses or forum signature or whatever how am I going to win a firefight easier? Vanity items are just a way of saying "thank you for supporting my game with your money", nothing else. And you're not the only one with a hardon for ArmA engine;)
  4. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    IF this was an actual game...

    Guild Wars stylez all the way - make it one time purchase and use microtransactions for cosmetic and vanity items. Nothing that would help you in game, only things that would make you look cooler. It works, ask ArenaNet. Studio developed - after reading your posts I'm absolutely sure that you'll go the right way, that is hardcore, unforgiving, believing in player's intelligence. And that's why I'm playing this mod even though I hate zombie-based games. Community based servers but with official and unofficial servers to prevent cheating and ensure high quality of service. You could also support official servers in various ways, whatever suits you, too early to go into details. Kickstarter - why not (it would be the first project I'd donate to) but under one condition - don't become a hostage to people's money. Be exactly the same developer you are now - with strong vision and determination. I really respect you for these qualities, and I trust you won't change after seeing thousands of dollars coming towards you. ---SIDE NOTE, ROCKET DON'T BOTHER--- I started reading people's posts and I'm amazed. Have you ever heard about game engine? You can buy a game engine from the studio that owns it and make your own game based on it. It's also completely legal, you know? So if Rocket decides to make his own game, he could buy ArmA2 engine and make a game based on it. It happened before - there's a WWII game made on ArmA2 engine coming out soon. And BIS is not EA, so their engine is most probably not horribly expensive (That's my assumption, not a fact). With this engine he and his studio could make a game that is as realistic as ArmA, but better suited for DayZ style. Stop whining and be supportive - he's putting a lot of time and effort into this and he's offering you even better experience.
  5. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    Bandit? Spawn without a weapon!

    Can we nerf the zombies, because they're too hostile? Maybe they can spawn without legs or something? For me it's a survival game and I want to focus on looking for food and cool weapon, not on running from zombies, come on guuuuuyyyys! Seriously, This quote from rocket is great. We should organize and try to make our lives easier like it is right now, without game doing it for us. It's possible, it just requires some effort.
  6. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Yes. It's hard for me, because I was planning on hunting bandits, and scrapping them will make my job harder but it's better for RPing, I think. There should be some way of recognizing players. Not if they're bandits or not, but simply who they are. On servers without crosshair everyone looks the same, so maybe it's possible to implement displaying nicknames after watching the guy for some time? That would fix a lot of problems, and would still be realistic.
  7. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    [PvP] Flag

    There's only one thing that should be changed in PVP, it's been mentioned in this thread - bigger consequences for dying. Maybe one spawn per hour, maybe something else, I don't know. What we need to do is to get rid of players doing suicide attakcs because they have nothing to lose. There should always be something to lose, something that makes you think twice before you take a risk. Besides that keep PVP as it is right now. Now a little AAR, jump to CONCLUSION, if you're bored by it. Three of us met by accident, we don't know each other, we live in different countries. Somebody was kind enough to give me an address to TS server. And we started working together. It wasn't easy, mind you, since we were on opposite ends of Chernarus, and I was a complete rookie, who didn't know what to expect of this game. So it took us about 3 days to finally get together. All of us agreed that we don't want to be bandits, even more than that - we want to hunt them. But we need some stuff first. So after we got together we went to Stary Sobor for some weapons. We nearly lost one of us to Zombies in the process, so only two of us went to SS. In the military base, we got attacked by Zeds, and right after this attack one of us got killed by a player. We were lucky, because our mate respawned very close to us, so we could continue our journey. We had a car, so we were very mobile, and felt really great about future. Because come on, what's the worst that could happen? Well, helicopter with a minigun on board can happen. We got slaughtered, robbed and now we're scattered all over the country again. Because someone decided to attack us just because they could. CONCLUSION: I'm not angry at bandits who killed us and took our stuff. I know, they were working really hard to find, fix and hide this heli. I know that every bandit on the server wants to get them and steal or destroy this helicopter. I lost my stuff, I will have work hard to get it again. But I gained something much more valuable - experience. I knowmore about surviving in Zombie-infestated Chernarus. If you think that's not much, that you prefer to simply gather loot with your friends, maybe you should really look for some other game? I think it shouldn't be that difficult to start your own server with this mod but disconnected from the main DB.
  8. thirdrd0@gmail.com

    Restraining of Players

    I would love to see restrain option in this mod. My only murder in game happened when I was scavenging airstrip on the south with my mate and we met a guy. He didn't see us even though we were very close. We killed him just to make sure we're safe. Now with restrains I would handcuff the guy, do my scavenging and set him free instead. Just because I don't like killing players who aren't bandits. So yes, I second the motion.