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Everything posted by aquamonkey

  1. aquamonkey

    Looking to trade

    What I have for trade : AK Drum Mags Meat / Food SKS ammo AKM I am looking for a tent, if you have one feel free to add me on steam @ "Icey" (without quotations) or comment yours below. Hope we can do business :) Trade Guild I am a part of, if you want to see i'm legit : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DayZ_Trade_Guild
  2. aquamonkey

    Looking to trade

    I forgot to add I have an AKM with the drum mag. I'll edit that in.
  3. aquamonkey

    Survivor Stories

    Hello, this post is going to mainly be for me being able to hear the wacky, wild and funny stories of others Although I didn't play DayZ for awhile (Had a crappy pc at the time) I still experienced a lot of cool and funny things My Story : I had never really been a lone survivor but I decided to give it a try. I had just spawned at Cherno and started to gather basic supplies and a rifle. After I had my things I set off for Stary where I hoped no one was waiting there. In my journey I found a rogue bandit sniping with a DMR. Quickly, I ran towards a rock to hide of the oncoming shots. I tried reasoning with him via side chat but he kept saying he cant take any chances. At this point I was a sitting duck and had no hope, but something caught my eye in the distance. I saw a atv just sitting there I wonderd if it belonged to the sniper it was only about 150m away so i decided to take my chances. Bullets sprayed everywhere and i got shot in the leg crippling me. The atv was only 13m away but it felt like 1000m i crawled and crawled hoping he wouldn't get me. I just managed to get on and I drove for miles. after i morphined up and drove to a smoke trail in the distance. I ended up finding a M240 with 2 mags I was freaking out since I had never used a LMG in dayz before after that I played my cards carefully I made sure I planned any excapes incaise I was attacked and ended up having that character for 2 weeks before I lost him. But it was one of my best runs and I was very proud of it. Thanks I cant wait to hear your stories!