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About toddmh

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  1. toddmh

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    Piggd servers has a script that will not allow you to kill other players.. http://dayzpiggd.enjin.com/
  2. and a good amount of scripts and map additions.. Population does not concern me or pvp/pve . If you have found a good one, let me know.. Thanks..
  3. lololol ...You are a baaaaad guy, you shot the Russian !!! made watching half that vid worth watching
  4. toddmh

    DayZ Carrying Over into Real Life...

    I was watching world news the other night about the riots in Kiev,not to mention but Kiev looks just like a Dayz city,but the rioters were burning the exact garbage bins that are in the game lol
  5. toddmh

    20 Plus Million Dollars Later...

    they were strategic at releasing alpha when they did, they knew what they were doing.. Now releasing an unfinished product during the Holidays to maximize the money they get in (20 million+) you would think the Devs have a responsibility to their customers to work as hard and fast as they can during the Holidays to tighten things up with the game.. Now I understand the minor victory is good for the Devs but some here are saying they should be on the beach sipping fine wine and cheese because they have 20 million in their accounts is sad to say the least..
  6. toddmh

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    SA is off to such a smashing start as it is.. boring.. why play?? even with 50 players in such a huge map pvp is a joke.. gameplay even for an alpha game is shit..Why not just call it open beta?? Devs pretty much admit, they have no idea how to give what was promised.. Bugs Bugs Bugs nothing to do in game even if you like what can come.. Devs better come up with something besides lame pvp with zombies Oh I AM the story?? I make my own story, Yeah wish I thought of that 30 buck download>>
  7. toddmh

    PvE servers to cure KoS?

    PvP type players and PvE type players will never see eye to eye about anything gaming.. They both have their places and they are both fun.. To say their is no PvE room in the ZA are ignorant, To say their is no PvP play in the ZA is also ignorant.. I'd shoot the face off a person I do not like, But a back story and storyline would not hurt either
  8. toddmh

    How to mod DayZ Standalone?

    don't think Standalone is ment to be modded
  9. toddmh

    Saline Bag IV (the proper blood bag?)

    this has to be bugged then, I have tested this in extreme
  10. toddmh

    Saline Bag IV (the proper blood bag?)

    there needs to be a way for solo players to get color back on my screen..$500.00 video card and I have to play the game in almost black and white... No amount of food and drink fix's this
  11. Walking for hours is not all that much fun, Walking in circles for hours makes me want to uninstall the game.. If I found myself floating in a sea heading to an unknown bank I would value a compass way more than a flashlight and 9v..
  12. I agree with this..Where did all the people go ??They are not all running the airfields with M4's
  13. maybe I should of looked better into this..I got it from dayz.gamepedia.com/DayZ_Standalone
  14. fly C-5A cargo aircraft during Russia's ZA and dump all the surplus Iraq and Afghanistan M4's out the back ?? Seems to be a shit load of them in this part of Russia..