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andrestander (DayZ)

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Everything posted by andrestander (DayZ)

  1. andrestander (DayZ)

    My patch notes

    Focus: -Surviving is way too easy -Dayz is turning into Resident Evil Operation Raccon City, a deathmatch 3rd person shooter with zombies. -Basic survival tools are way too common and easy to find. -Banditing is a part of game nevertheless. Current Changelog (WIP): * [NEW] Beans, sardines and pasta cans spawn chance decreased * [NEW] Soda cans spawn chance decreased. * [NEW] Bloodbags spawn chance decreased. * [NEW] Millitary grade sniper rifles except SVD spawn chance slightly decreased, includes M107, AS50, DMR and M24 * [NEW[ Military weapons such as M4 and FN FAL spawn chance decreased. * [NEW] Players spawn with a random bloodtype * [NEW] A syringe equipment now spawns in Hospitals, it allows the transfusion of blood from yourself to other players or the opposite. You can not transfuse blood to yourself off a dead body. * [NEW] You can kill other players by draining their blood and stealing it for yourself. * [NEW] De-coloristation only happens if you're below 5000 blood now. * [NEW] Alice pack back spawn chance decreased. * [NEW] Players now spawn with a Czech vest pouch * [NEW] Coyote Patrol Packs now spawn and could be found as a loot. Assault back pack spawn chance increased. * [NEW] ACE mod feutures and ST_Movement and ST_Collision added to Dayz * [FIXED] Zombies physics defying zig-zaggy motion * [FIXED] Zombies no longer have super human speed * [NEW] Sidearm damage against human players now back to its original stats. * [NEW] Sidearm damage against zombies is the same. Now you have to either aim for the head or the legs of the zombie (Would be easier since their zig-zaggy motion and their superhuman speed is fixed). * [NEW] Primary weapons such as the AK-74 damage increased against zombies. (Now you actually might think of using your primary weapon against zombies) * [NEW] Increased Matchbox spawn chance * [NEW] If you re-fill canteen from a lake, water must be boiled before drinking. You'll need an empty tin can, the canteen and a fire. The action automatically boils all the water in your canteen and re-fill them making them good for drinking again. * [NEW] Enfield spawn chance slightly decreased. * [NEW] Animals spawn chance decreased * [NEW] Cooked meat refils 400 blood only instead of 800. Canned food refils 100 blood isntead of 200. * [NEW] Vehicles and bicycles are now generally more common. (More spawn locations for them. Would be needed since ACE mod removes the unlimited stamina bullshit. No more olympics marathon running, find a vehicle) * [NEW] A huge variety of civilian skins now spawn and have a high spawn chance. Allows easier recognition of friendlies and diversity in player looks.
  2. I know you will never implement something unrealistic to deter banditing, like warping you into a prison for 2 hours if you kill more than x number of survivors in less than 20 minutes. Personally if the game turns out to be good, I will buy the game solely to shoot each and every survivor that I see on sight with no explanation. I wouldn't do any quests/mission or whatever shit you'll try to implement to keep people busy doing something else than deathmatching. I will not coop, I will not do missions, I will not waste my time looking for rare 'survival' items like power generators or building supplies. I will look for a gun and I will shoot each and every survivor that I see with absolutely no reason at all. When people turn into clans for safety, and start trusting no one outside of their clan, I would apply and join clans on here, reddit or any other site, join and kill all of the clan members and blow up their stash of vehicles and loot. In a couple of days, I will turn dayz standalone into nothing but a deathmatch w/ zombies like dayzmod is about. And when I am done turning dayz into dayzmod, I will sell my copy of dayz standalone.
  3. andrestander (DayZ)

    A short word regarding Dayz standalone

    I played cod4 for four years and had enough of it. I now play regular arma.
  4. so why do i kill people in Dayz? Personally i think im the smartest kid in the wolrd and i really H8 SKOOl (FK SKOOL GRRRR!!!) nd what everyone doesn't know abut me that im secretly a SOCIOPATH!!!1 lol!! exde YOLO I usually fanatasize about a zombie apoclaypse to escape from what happens to be the present. My story is pretty much like dayz everyone dies in the zombie apoclaypse and im one of the VERY FEW SURVIVORS (Yes because 7 billion people will die and im the only one special enough to survive) no more skool lol and i can loot the walmart for all the toys ive all wanted lool :D I train everday on Dayz to prepare for the zombie apoclaypse, i know arma is a milsim so its pretty rad but I think theres HUGE BUG in Arma that no one is talking about which is ur bullets never go where u put ur sights on wtf arma wheres the realism cant u learn from cod and mak weapons accurate enough lolz? i pm'd and emailed rocket about it tho so hopefully we'll see a fix in one more suggestion is that they should let us build our zombie fortresses in dayz i wud have an xbawkz in it and play MW3 and BO3 all day on xbox live because obviously theres no more skool and u have too much free time on your hands. but yea im badass nd a sociopath nd if i ever see u durin a zombie apoclaypse i will 360 no scope ur mom just for the lulz because im a SOCIEPATH lol like patrick pateman xDDDD so y do U kill in dayz??? ~~~YOLO guys and remember the apoclaypse is coming YOLO~~~
  5. andrestander (DayZ)

    inside the mind of the ruthless bandit

    In board games no, in Dayz some 'think' they are
  6. andrestander (DayZ)

    inside the mind of the ruthless bandit

    Optic pro hutch legit 720 no scopes lol u man u kant l33t sp34k? lol wat a nub
  7. andrestander (DayZ)

    inside the mind of the ruthless bandit

    looking for more contrubutions bump
  8. andrestander (DayZ)

    inside the mind of the ruthless bandit

    lol man ur such a talker whats ur K/d on Mw3? loool man i bet u wont answer if ur a man add me on xbox my gamertag is OpT1cProHuTch[[xXxL3G1t720NoSc0pesxXx]] dont be a scrub be a man add me a 1v1 on mw 3
  9. andrestander (DayZ)

    inside the mind of the ruthless bandit

    lol scrub u wanna 1v1? i have a 6.0 K/D and a 23 days character
  10. andrestander (DayZ)

    After two months, I quit because of hackers

    If you can not beat em join em become a l33t hax00r yourself too OP
  11. andrestander (DayZ)

    Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

    -Community is now mostly composed of 12 year old kids -If I want to play a Free for All or TDM, I would play the regular arma. No boring marathon runs for weapons/gear, just instant action. -Surviving is way too easy and once you have full gear theres nothing to do but kill people.
  12. andrestander (DayZ)

    How did this happend?

    You should be thankful that the FN FALs were still there.
  13. andrestander (DayZ)

    Why do YOU kill in DayZ?

    cuz i am a cool 12 year old kid and i think im the smartest kid in world and im also secretly a SOCIOPATH!!!111 lol!!! ex deeeeeee!!!!1 #YOLO
  14. andrestander (DayZ)

    global ban lifted, then banned again?

    Someone has and is spoofing your GUID. They steal GUIDs from clan websites, server logs or even scam players to tell them their GUIDs. Everyone on the server used to see the GUID of someone when connecting now this has stopped.
  15. andrestander (DayZ)

    What Has Changed The Dayz Player Mentality

    Since Yogcast made their video abut Dayz and this game has been plagued by hackers and unreasonable murdering.
  16. I cant respawn and I'm at a couple of kilometers away from the shore. What the hell
  17. andrestander (DayZ)

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    Bump. More people need to read OP's amazing post. Edit: OP if you don't mind, I reposted your thread on reddit.
  18. andrestander (DayZ)

    DayZ has "high" amount of upload - how can I decrease that

    There's nothing you can do then.Try playing on low population servers, it helped my lag.
  19. andrestander (DayZ)

    People shooting unarmed people, why?

    Why all the wars and the hatred in this world? Why alot of people on this planet are greedy, selfish and un kind? ^ This is what are you asking OP
  20. andrestander (DayZ)

    DayZ has "high" amount of upload - how can I decrease that

    I have 1mb connection and arma caps my upload speed. After a couple of minutes of gameplay, I start lagging and dsyncing like mad. I have to enter a building, wait for a 1-2 minutes for loot and zombies to spawn because apparently the game didn't acknowledge I am in the building yet. This has to do with Arma's net code. Considering the hacking and the other issue with the mod/engine. We wont be seeing a fix to this any time soon.
  21. andrestander (DayZ)

    My patch notes

    +1 for the splint + bandage to heal a broken leg instead of the current morphine system and for the zombies can infect you if they hit you. The infected knife suggestion is cool, it's in the same category as needing to boil water before drinking from lakes. The bleeding infection one is just plain weird tbh. And I don't think changing the slot capacity of the inventory is possible neither is the item damage system due limitations from the engine. It's the same as doing an emergency blood transfusion at a hospital for someone whos in critical need of blood. Except at the hospital the nurses/doctors limit the amount of blood they take from you and end the transfusion before you loose too much blood.
  22. andrestander (DayZ)

    My patch notes

    I never mentioned I didn't like Dayz. Constructive crictism only or fuck off. :)
  23. andrestander (DayZ)

    My patch notes

    Guns would be harded to find. Besides, you would be a lot more worried into getting into a firefight because you might have collected some surviving tools yourself and don't want to loose them.
  24. I will run into the wall and keep holding W on my keyboard while moving my mouse to look around the corners. Even better: Alt key disabled during third person mode
  25. Fuck 3rd person view. The trend of camping on top of roof tops prone and using the third person camera to look around is getting increasingly popular and annoying.