Gas Mask Gaming EPOCH - - (UTC-5) - (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON)|Safe Zones|Sector FNG|Missions|Tons Of Vehicles!|Indestructible Bases| High FPS| Active Admins|Base Building|Self BloodBag/AutoRefuel|CPU Priority|Events|Prizes|Custom Antihacks!|Custom Map|Teamspeak|Remove Clothing We have a customized map with scripted AI missions, along with an FNG Base, Our admins are on almost constantly, and there are over 400+ vehicles, Our trader cities have safe zones with working Anti-Theft, You can also remove clothing off bodies! With Indestructible bases you don't have to worry about griefers with planes. We also have a custom loot table and Working Modular Base Building. Visit our teamspeak at: IP Address: