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Everything posted by ThatGuyCalledReptile

  1. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Train... Hear me out

    I can imagine a guy standing ontop of the train playing "Crazy Train" shooting at anything that moves with a m249. I love it.
  2. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    Beans for someone who knows that killing is fair. Under circumstances. Murderers who kill fresh spawns are cunts. Bandits who kill for food and survival are fair.
  3. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    What exactly is a clan?

    It's a group of people who follow rules and play together. My groups rules are: Be polite. Bury your kills and give a 21 gun salute. Be efficient. Don't kill any players who do not have military grade hardware. And have a plan to kill everyone you meet. We also have a few clan rules. If you get killed your killer gets your loot. No exceptions they deserve it. Don't attack fresh spawns. Ever. You will be killed and kicked. And never attack a clan member. You will be crawling back to the camp for any friendly fire.
  4. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    [screenshot] My chopper find :D

    I like my SVD and my m9SD
  5. We don't talk about Green Mountain.
  6. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    player base found - up for grabs

    Well fuck. That's not the admins friends base. Good on you for finding my groups. Cheers and have fun with your new toys.
  7. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    North West Airfield

    It's random. Barracks are good spawns but really the firehouse and ACT are where you should look for CCO's or other variants.
  8. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Found-HFB Server,Noob friendly no PVP(is this allowed?)

    Making rules like NO PVP is not allowed. If they take action due to this they will most likely be blacklisted.
  9. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Optional PVP

    And the best decision is not changing a CORE part of the game. Again why do people bitch. If you don't want to deal with PvP go to low populated servers and go to towns that are not hot zones. Fucking hell.
  10. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Will this computer run DayZ?

    Yes it can on medium - high graphics with post processing off.
  11. You kill and you don't loot your kills? You wasteful cunt. I will find you and I will kill you. You're not a bandit. You're a murderer.
  12. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    The FNG Thread

    I won't shoot if you don't have atleast military grade weapons. No point in killing people who can't fight back. Where's the fun in that?
  13. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Need more helis per server

    It's still 1-3 per server. I assume you mean downed helis. Otherwise it would be to OP
  14. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Will i lose my character?

    They use the Same ID since it's from the same steam account. Yes it should.
  15. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    The FNG Thread

    I didn't even start with DayZ I went into armory first and acquainted myself with the guns and vehicles. Then when I joined DayZ I got shot as a spawned in. I tried to give people the benefit of doubt but they just caused problems. So I said fuck it I moved north got myself a rifle and made my first kill. Words cannot describe the rush I felt. So I got myself a sniper. Now if anyone comes into my scope they get domed. Cheers mate.
  16. I had a FN FAL in my bag and it changed to a bizon SD. Also my m24 changed to a SVD
  17. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    I found a crashed helicopter!

    Good for you? It's not really a big enough deal for a thread about it.
  18. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    bring back respawning

    Run into a group of zeds. That'll kill you pretty fast.
  19. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    My screen shaking

    If you've tried painkillers and a heat pack I have no idea what's wrong. Do you have any status effects on the right side of the screen?
  20. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    lol 8 cars on the road and a police car, and an SUV

    Cool story. /thread
  21. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    My screen shaking

    Warm up you're probably freezing to death.
  22. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    When do you count as bandit?

    Heart rate increases. At 5 murders it beats at like 180bpm. But again don't kill unarmed fresh spawns. Kill players who can fight back. Don't give us bandits a bad name.
  23. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    Ghillie Suit in the first Five Minutes?

    Lucky. You'll die before you can use it to your advantage though so cheers.
  24. ThatGuyCalledReptile

    where du u get teh snipers?

    I still want to hit you with a dictionary.
  25. Don't disconnect where you'll get shot as you spawn in. The only time it's EVER ok to use Alt+f4 is if there are hackers with the thunderdome.